Search results

  1. xa

    What cause fish to scratch against rocks?

    AT. (Scratch against rocks or tank glass) Signof Ick? or some other problem.
  2. xa

    Mixing Salt Water.

    Thank you all. :)
  3. xa

    Mixing Salt Water.

    Hi, I'm just curious on how people mixing their salt water? Is there any techniques to be learn? or just basically have the water ready in fish tank(no fish no rocks nothing :) ), read the instruction, and add in the salt? OR you have the salt(measured)ready in tank (or a bucket) and then add...
  4. xa

    New here.

    Thanks for all your answers. David S. Nope I never add anything inside the tank.:)
  5. xa

    New here.

    Hi there thx for your time to read my thread, Currently I have a 65 G (used to be a fresh water fish tank) Glass tank. I'm thinking to start a saltwater fish tank. Q1. Since its a glass tank do I need it drilled? ( or overflow?) Q2. If i didnt choose to drill it. regular wet/dry filter will be...
  6. xa

    im confused with my stocking levels

    Get some credit by returning them :) That will contribute to your next BIG tank!
  7. xa

    BB CRAZY!!!

    An hour or 2. Depends on the post. :cool:
  8. xa

    Looking for LFS near NYC area

    Hi Everyone, I know this is little off topic for this form. But I'm wondering if anyone can suggest me any more LFS that I can go check it out (Near NYC area or central Jersey) I've seen lots of post but its mainly FAR FAR west cost :) Don't think I can hop on a airplane anytime I want. I've...
  9. xa

    Prices for RO water

    RO unit is the best way to go~! :) I dont need to go LFS carry all those heavy gal anymore heehee
  10. xa

    Water Cycle Finished? FINALLY?

    I would wait BOTH Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 0 Nitrite is deadly to fish :o Remeber Patience is the key to success ;) Maybe little more info about your tank size, LR/LS??
  11. xa

    Bad information?

    Its sad enough to get fool on April 2nd.... :(
  12. xa

    white spot on tank glass

    Ok if its calcium deposits. Does it mean the calcium lv is too high?
  13. xa

    white spot on tank glass

    Yup. It even look like salt thats forming when the water evaporates. :) But thx for your help. It does come off very easy when I scrap them with a mag.
  14. xa

    white spot on tank glass

    Ok just today I've see some white spot forming on my 35 gal tank. (no fish, only hermit) Is this a poissible a ich forming? (ok, I know it might sound weird) My water quality is as follow: PH 8.02, no ammo, no nitrate, nor nitrite. Salt is at 1.023 (around there) The tank is up and running for...
  15. xa

    Suggestion on the new tank setup

    WOW~! Thx for all your replys everyone~! Didnt though I would get that many responses :) After reading all of your suggestions, its tempting me to get 75gal heehee. Anyway I went look for a tank today. Have seen a couple that I like. There's only 2 more question that I need to find out...
  16. xa

    Suggestion on the new tank setup

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this message board. Nice to meet you all. I've been thinking of a new 55-75gal tank. And I definitely need some advice. This tank would only have some invertebrates, live rock,and fish. My idea of the equipments I would purchase is as follow: -- Acrylic tank with...