Search results

  1. joshh

    Who is the ultimate algae eater?

    iave a tang that eans my tank of hair alge
  2. joshh

    coral banded shrimp

    ok thanks for the help i was worried
  3. joshh

    coral banded shrimp

    i just got a cbs yesterday and ths morning one claw is missing, does this mean he is not going to make it??? thanks :cool:
  4. joshh

    new fish

    i will probly have only 3 fish
  5. joshh

    new fish

    i was wondering what would be a good fish for a 30 galfo tankno clowns or damsel
  6. joshh

    molting or dead shrimp?

    the shrimp are just laying on the botomnot moving at all. i think they are dead.
  7. joshh

    molting or dead shrimp?

    10 peppermint shrimp and 1 gold coral banded shrimp, 10 scarlets, 10 bluelegs, 1 sallylightfoot, 1 serpent star, 10 turbo snails,an 1 orange linckia starfish.....that is what i ordered and that is all that is in the tank right now.. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0"...
  8. joshh

    molting or dead shrimp?

    i just recieved my order from and i got a gold coral banded shrimp and some peppermint shrimp, they appear to be dead and im not sure what they look like when they molt?? can anyone help? they were acclimated right and the water condition is good.... thanks :(
  9. joshh

    best cleaner?

    in mo2c i think cleaner wrassesare better let alone they are hard to keep alive if i were yopu i would go with the shrmp
  10. joshh

    whats the biggest mistake u can make?

    well imhe samreway
  11. joshh

    refuirgim ?

    could i get a 15 gallon tank, 25, 10 lbs. lr. run a hose out of my 30 gal and into the 15 with a power head, and back with a seprate power head. would this work please help any info will be great
  12. joshh

    filter ?

    going t post in equipment and diy
  13. joshh

    would this work

    could run with out a filer completly with my set up ? 2 power heads,30 gal., 50 lbs.agronite, 25 lbs. LS 55 lbs lr soon a skimmer(any sugestens on what brand and were to buy would be great) the filter spits out to many bubbles it is driveing me crazy. thanks for any help :D
  14. joshh

    filter ?

    coul runwithout out a filer completly with my set up ? 2 power heads,30 gal., 50 lbs.agronite, 25 lbs. LS 55 lbs lr soon a skimmer(any sugestens onwhat kind and were to buy would be great the filter spits out to many bubbles it is driveing me crazy. thanks for any help :D
  15. joshh

    filter ?

    k im gong to try it i have notheing in the tank so notheng to worry about with a re-cycle
  16. joshh

    Who/what got you into this hobby?

    way world did it for me 6 years ago i boughta 55 gal and 2 oscars. Soon the 55 turned into a 75 then 100 then to a 30 gal. reef
  17. joshh

    I GOT MY TANK!!!!!!!!!

    congrats and good luck
  18. joshh

    filter ?

    so i should be fine to just take the carbon out all at once or a little at a time
  19. joshh

    filter ?

    i have a 30 gal. tank 50 lbs agronite 25 lbs LS 55 lbs lr tank has been up for 2 months i have changed the carbon 1
  20. joshh

    filter ?

    would i be ok to take the carbon out of my filter ad just run the floss ? any input is nice