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  1. damseldame

    Domino Damsel - love em or hate em?

    I have 5 Damsel's one of them being a Domino. He is KING of the tank. He allows the cleaner Wrasse to clean him but he will also chase him, then go right back to wanting to be groomed. He also likes to play with the Lion fish. He will literally sit on top of the lion. It looks as though he likes...
  2. damseldame

    Adding water to the tank

    I should probably know what ro means but I'm having a brain fart. Could you clarifiy it for me please? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
  3. damseldame

    Browngreen algae take over

    Hey Fullofquestions, Your SN describes how I feel. Thanks alot for the info on feeding. I noticed that is when the algae started to really take off or over I should say. I have read alot about the garlic on this forum so tonight I started that. I have minced garlic in its own liquid it sure...
  4. damseldame

    Browngreen algae take over

    I don't think the ick is gone completely. My Domino Damsel seems to be scraping himself on the rocks but I don't see any spots on him. My 3 striped Damsel had some spots but the went away a couple of weeks ago and haven't returned. I just keep watching them. I'm going to do a water change...
  5. damseldame

    Adding water to the tank

    I'm glad I found this forum. I'd like to ask... do you need to add a buffer to the water you're adding? I was adding water last night and didn't really know how to go about it.
  6. damseldame

    Browngreen algae take over

    Thanks for the reply SWDave. I thought about the lights being a problem. I leave them on from about 6:30 am to 8:30 pm. They are not very good quality. My husband bought them @ Homedepo (I think). By the time we got the tank and everything else he decided to go cheap on the lights. I also think...
  7. damseldame


    Hey Cow, I don't have an answer but a question for you... did you ever have a problem with brown algae? If so how did you cure it? I am having a problem with the brown and now the green is showing up also. I have a post about 4 below yours and I've only had 2 replies so far but they were...
  8. damseldame

    Browngreen algae take over

    I sure appreciate your info Na H20 and Ruaround. I spoke to one of my LFS and he told me that the tank was not fully cycled yet. What kind of snails do you recommend? Since it has taken over the tank is there any thing I can put in the tank to get it under control quickly?
  9. damseldame

    Browngreen algae take over

    Can someone please help? I am just a month into this hobby and loving it, but hating it at the same time. A brown algae showed up in my tank last week and has taken over. I do a 10% water change every week. I noticed today a green algae is now beginning to grow. Also my water is beginning to get...
  10. damseldame

    Goffy Behavior

    Thank you for for the reply UnderSea. I wouldn't mind if the Domino ended up as a snack. He chases the other Damsel's I have. It looks like you have an established tank or 2. I'm looking forward to adding to my fish family. 5 Damsel's 1 3 stripe 1 Blue 1 Domino 1 I'm not sure what? Pinkyellow 1...
  11. damseldame

    Goffy Behavior

    I am new at this hobby so this may be a normal behavior for fish. I have a Domino Damsel that seems to have an attraction to my Dwarf Lion. The Domino sits on top of the Lion. He seems to like the Lions fins to rub on him. The Lion doesn't seem to mind. I've been getting a big laugh out of...
  12. damseldame

    What to feed my lion fish?

    I just purchased a lion fish last night. The fish care taker at the store said the lion fish would eat brine, but to occasionally feed it live goldfish. I have found out that the lion will not eat brine. I don't have a problem with getting the gold fish except the town is 26 miles from me. Can...