Search results

  1. wxv102

    Fixing scratches on acrylic tanks - help!

    mg1197, I am a plastics engineer. There are a few things to think about acrylic scratches. One is how were they formed? If the scratches were formed by a rock scratch or scrubbing pad, you are in luck (sort of). If they were caused by chemical attack like using a ammonia bassed cleaner, they...
  2. wxv102

    Frags Near Erie PA

    Hello, Looking for frags for sale near Erie, PA. Bill
  3. wxv102

    White Sponge?

    My tank recenty began to grow new white specs. As they grew it was easy to see that they had a q-tip head and two small fan like projections. They also have an open end where the small projections came out. After some investigation, I found posts with photo's that showed the new growts to be...
  4. wxv102

    L. Rock and sponges.

    I agree with saltyrich that live rock is prefered. His insight is warranted. I purchase my tulfa rock in large slabs from a landcaping company for $15 each slab. It was very cheap. The "dead pocket" is suspected to fuel the rapid growth of beneficial bacteria. The problem is that you ony...
  5. wxv102

    L. Rock and sponges.

    I am not sure about all the information that saltyrich spoke about. I can only tell of my experiences. As a geeky engineer I am always trying things. After alot of reading I determined to convert a fish only tank to reef. I moved my non-reef safe fish to another tank and then began the...
  6. wxv102

    leather coral question

    I have a crown leather. It was originally erect, and now the stalk is bent over, but the coral is completely open and full. It also has a redish brown algea on the top of the area that is bent over. Do you think it is light related. I have very good coraline growth and only a hint of green...
  7. wxv102

    Flame Angel with Trichadna Clams.

    I don't know about other peoples experiences, but I just had to tear my entire tank apart to catch a Bicolor angel. It was my favorite fish. Very Active and Beautiful. In the beginning, he did not bother anything, but all of a sudden he decided that polyps were mighty tasty. I would...
  8. wxv102

    plexiglass cover?

    My education includes degrees in plastic & mechanical engineering. I have spent a few years manufacturing sumps, aquariums and the likes from acrylic. Including bending acrlyic to make displays and aquariums. I would advise against using acrylic for a cover especially if you have any light...
  9. wxv102

    how old are you?

    some one needs to add an automatic spell check. mad was intended to be man. Bill
  10. wxv102

    how old are you?

    Boy if I did't know better, I would think that this might be the beginning of a dating service <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> I am 29yrs. New to Reef old mad to Salt fish Only.
  11. wxv102

    Crown Leather Question

    fishfreak, Thanks for the reply. I have been a little nervious today, because I really want this to be a success. At the LFS the coral was only refered to as a crown leather. I have searched on the internet, and It does seem to look very similar to a toadstool. I can only say that the polyps...
  12. wxv102

    Crown Leather Question

    Hello all. I have been reading this message board and I must say that most the people here seem to be very good about helping others. Now the question. I have had saltwater aquariums since I was born (Now 29yrs) my father and uncle started me on the addictive hobby. Recently I bagan to...