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  1. bonolover

    OT: Just curious what kind of people are into reef tanks

    Hi All - My name is Debra, 41, (add a year next month), married 8 years with 2 little girls. I was laid off in November and have been looking for an IT Management job since. But since the market is so tight, I decided to start up my SW hobby again while laid off just to stay busy. I was...
  2. bonolover

    CPR skimmer problems

    The CPR is the Bak Pak with the bio-bale on the side. I think I'm pretty sure that the sponge is in there correctly (but I tend to doubt myself a lot). But this problem ONLY has happened after a feeding of the frozen food - never just out of the blue and never when feeding with the flakes; but...
  3. bonolover

    CPR skimmer problems

    Every now and then my skimmer puts out all these little bubbles. I have the sponge in there to prevent this, but sometimes it happens. Scenario is usually always the same: I mix between flakes one day, then frozen cubes the next. On the days that I do the frozen cubes, it periodically causes...
  4. bonolover

    Emergency room was open on Sun

    WOW. I commend you for your dedication to this hobby and the little creatures we take into our care! But I'm really curious - did you do this all under water? Didn't he wiggle a lot and try to get out of your grip? It's funny you brought this up - last night when I was feeding my firefish...
  5. bonolover

    CPR bak-pak vs. AquaC Remora

    Hey Cyn, could you elaborate on your plans. I've also got the CPR and I have a Eheim 2213 on my 20 gal. I wanted a protein skimmer but didn't think I needed that extra filtration that the CPR comes with since I have the Eheim and LR and LS. So what exactly are you planning to put in the area...
  6. bonolover

    fuzzy round growths

    I've got one of those on one of my rocks too. anyone know what they are? None of my fish, crabs or shrimps munch on it, doesn't move, it's just there. I don't think this thing could be harmless, butI'd like to know what it is if anyone has any ideas.
  7. bonolover


    thanks NMreef for the pictures! I have asked before about these and got the reply that what I was refering to was copepods. However, looking at your pictures I have those too. I was afraid that those were the Mantis shrimp everyone talks about. So glad to see that those are the copepods, and...
  8. bonolover

    What eats *crap*?

    When i eventually get fish, I want a very passive tank which is why I have ruled out the stars (read that they could eat sleeping fish). So your idea of a cucumber sounds good to me. But, are they toxic in any way. Are you suggesting ONLY the tiger cucumber, or will any do? Thanks for this...
  9. bonolover

    "Jellyfish" looking thing in my tank

    I have at least 5 of these "jellyfish" looking creatures in my tank. I was told on another BB that they were a hydroid in the medusa stage (make sense to anyone?). They don't swim around, they just glide around the rock and the tank glass. They're a translucent clear color and the body is...
  10. bonolover

    What eats *crap*?

    Kris, I agree that what goes in must come out. That's why I question what will clean this up. I have read several times where someones sand bed is pristine. So I wonder, how is that? And what bothers me is that there are no fish in there right now. If I can't keep up with it now, how am I...
  11. bonolover

    What eats *crap*?

    Glad I made you laugh - was trying to be polite!!! But I've good a lot of *crap* in the tank. It's got to be coming from my shrimps, and possibly my halloween crab, cuz my blue hermits are tiny (putting out the size *crap* I have would give those little guys hemmoriods!). About my snails...
  12. bonolover

    What eats *crap*?

    I have a 20 gal tank that is 9 weeks old. I started with CC but switched to LS last weekend. I currently have a cleaner shrimp, saron shrimp, halloween crab, 3 tiny blue leg hermit crabs and 2 astrea snails. After reading the posts here, I don't think I want to get a starfish. So what can I...
  13. bonolover

    Spotted something weird looking

    That's strange. I, too, have noticed something like this for the last two nights. I think mine may be a little different though. I switched out my CC for LS on Sunday. The last two nights I've seen this jellyfish looking thing in my tank. It's clear, and it's body is like that of a tulip...
  14. bonolover

    Storing/Aging new salt water?

    I was wondering - can I make up all the water for the month in one large bucket (rubbermaid with a lid).? My thinking is that the water would always be there, you know, "just in case". But also, then i would only have to mix up once a month, and do water changes twice a month. Is this a good...
  15. bonolover

    CC and LS together?

    I started my tank 8+ weeks ago. I have a 20 gal that I had 5 lbs LR in. I also started with about 20 lbs of CC. The guy at the LFS told me to add the LS, so I put 10lbs over my CC. It did cause a spike in test levels, but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have done that. I am up to 9 lbs of...
  16. bonolover

    Rusty Angel Update

    More good news - I just called the LFS and they informed me that the Rusty ate some live brine shrimp. Not a lot, but did pick at a few of them. Thank you to those who helped me last night with this problem. I would never have even thought to bring him back. I am so relieved that he has...
  17. bonolover

    QT Setup

    Wow - thanks Beth - you obviously really know you're stuff. At lot more information than I thought I would get. But still confused on two things - can this be just a little 5 gal tank? And if I put in live rock to help keep it established, won't the LR die when I medicate in there? Oops...
  18. bonolover

    QT Setup

    I don't have a QT but do realize I need one. My tank is new (Since Feb) but I would like to get one of these set up for the induction of my new fish. Couple of questions - would like advice or help. I read where all you need is a rubbermaid trash can and a sponge filter. But what about the...
  19. bonolover

    Rusty Angel Update

    I took my Rusty Angel back to the LFS. They first put him in a tank, but a tang started harassing him. So then they moved him to his own tank. Only 15 gals, but no one else is in there. And there is lots of live rock for him to munch on as soon as his appetite comes back. Hopefully he was...
  20. bonolover

    Water Change

    I am curious - how long after a water change should you notice a change in the test levels? Is this something that happens after 2 hours or a day? Another thing - is the ammonia/nitrites in the water or in the biological filter material?