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  1. saltwaterfishlover

    i little growth

    here it is tonight 3/03/03 I am battleing hair algae and bubble algae too but it isnt doing too bad. what do you think? andy
  2. saltwaterfishlover

    i little growth

    here is a little growth from one if my birdsnests. this is on 10/7/02 when I got it.
  3. saltwaterfishlover


    should I be worried? his body is about 3/4"
  4. saltwaterfishlover

    a beautiful pair

    they are in my comunity 120. in with them are pairs of watchman wheeler gobies, citron clown gobies, antena gobies, false perc clowns, a yellow cleaner gobie, kole tang and 4 pajama cardinals. they get fed once a day (due to hair algea outbreak) I used to feed 2-3 times a day frozen krill...
  5. saltwaterfishlover

    a beautiful pair

    just thought I would show a nice shot of our mated pair of Blue Spotted Jawfish..... have had them since may no successful broods yet but they love to try.....
  6. saltwaterfishlover

    what is it here might be some answers...
  7. saltwaterfishlover

    what is it

    here is a closer shot of a few pieces. they are firm almost like rubber but flexible hope they help
  8. saltwaterfishlover

    what is it

    well this stuff started growing this week any one have a clue what it is?
  9. saltwaterfishlover

    Tank At 11 months

    Thanks Martin and everyone. Yes it is the same cap... grows fast.... I hope I can keep it nicely trimmed around the acro above it.... aught to be interesting
  10. saltwaterfishlover

    Tank At 11 months

    Tell me an area of the tank and I will take a photo of it and post it... this was after the cycle an djust added a little stuff march 16,2002
  11. saltwaterfishlover

    Tank At 11 months

    ok lets see tank 120aga rr 4'x2'x2' sump 30long 5" sand bed with macro's and mangroves mag 18 return pump mag 12 running amiricle quad pass (P.O.S) skimmer ( piece of s***) 200 lb live rock 100lb southdown sand 2 400wt eballasts running 15k xanium bulbs from hello lights 1 icecap 660 runnin 4...
  12. saltwaterfishlover

    Tank At 11 months

    Ah the joys of hair algea.... but besides that I think it is comeing along nicely
  13. saltwaterfishlover

    pictures of hope

    I paid $5 for the bleached one.... I paid $50 for the brown in the upper corner which died relatively quickly.... I have gotten several bleached corals and some made it some dont... if you can get them for a song.... they are worth the chance....
  14. saltwaterfishlover

    pictures of hope

    well not quite like that... if you noticed on the first bleached pic ther is still trace amounts of color (purplesih) left and it is just extremely stressed and bleached.... the second shot shows all the dead area's and the few remaining live area's the last is of what is currently alive and...
  15. saltwaterfishlover

    pictures of hope

    this is it after fragging away dead spots and algea encrusted area's today. there is always hope for some things.......
  16. saltwaterfishlover

    pictures of hope

    withing 3 weeks the brown one suffered "rtn" and passed awaeven after trying to frag it . this is the bleached one 2 months later
  17. saltwaterfishlover

    pictures of hope

    long agao and far away I bought a bleached coral and another nice one. this is day one
  18. saltwaterfishlover

    new kids

    gobie part b
  19. saltwaterfishlover

    new kids

    gobie part a
  20. saltwaterfishlover

    new kids

    What do you think of my new babies? any ideas on the gobie? I know the bag is distracting but figured it was best way to ensure a shot