Search results

  1. eva b.

    Good Algae growth

    Just wanted to let you know I am sorry for all the fish you lost. I've been there and done that. Wish I had all the money back I've spent on fish that didn't survive. FYI these guys here are a lot of help and are knowledgeable. Listen up to them, they will help you out a lot. They've been a...
  2. eva b.

    saddleback wrasse

    Anyone out there that knows anything about the saddleback wrasse? Are they aggressive or passive? I know they get pretty large. Saw one in a shop that was five inches at the least. Really pretty fish.
  3. eva b.

    fish combatability

    These Psuedos were introduced at the same time into the tank. So far no problems with them picking on each other or other fish. There is a fellow in Houston who has a fish store and told me you could introduce even the more aggressive fish at the same time and will not have problems. I did it...
  4. eva b.

    fish combatability

    I've had this fish for about six months, now. When it was smaller, no problem. Now this thing is over four inches in length. If anyone is in the Houston, TX area, I will give you this fish. If you want it, e-mai me at
  5. eva b.

    red algea

    Don't know. Have had the brown algae when the tank was new. Get a green going when I leave the lights on too long during the day.
  6. eva b.

    fish combatability

    Dave, I have a strawberry pseudochromis and a skunk pseudochromis. Yes, they do get along. They tend to stay pretty close to one another like my clowns do. Why? Aren't they supposed to get along with each other? Just asking. I'm new to this and the longer I am in this saltwater thing, I am...
  7. eva b.

    fish combatability

    C.K., I have a Fluval 404 canister filter along with an emporer bio wheel. Have four to six inches crushed coral, and 10 to 15 lbs. live rock. Probably need more live rock in there, huh? You have a lot of inhabitants in your tank, but I see they are all small. I think we should have gone that...
  8. eva b.


    The ***** in Humble does a good job on their saltwater fish. They have a couple of people who are really sharp on the subject. Every once in a while they will have a tank that doesn't look so great and it's in quarantine. Never got a discount on fish with my card. Sometimes on supplies. I...
  9. eva b.

    What will go with?

    I have a 55 gallon tank with a lunare wrasse, two percula clowns, two psuedochromis, a hawkfish and a neon goby. Would like to add another fish or two for the color but not sure what to add as the lunare wrasse is really aggressive and big. Don't want to over crowd. These guys ain't cheap...
  10. eva b.

    fish combatability

    I would like some assistance in selecting varieties of fish that would go in my tank. I have a lunare wrasse,two percula clowns, hawk fish, two pseudochromis, and a neon goby. My tank is 55 gallons. The wrasses is my biggest concern as it is so aggressive. Tried to take it back to the store I...
  11. eva b.

    lunare wrasse

    Thanks Bo. Consider him gone. Sad thing was my banded wrasse was larger than the lunare. Will know better next time. Where I bought him won't give me a credit but at least they can resell him. Let him terrorize someone else's tank. I have percula clowns, hawk fish, neon goby, and two...
  12. eva b.

    red algea

    Did a water check. Nitrates out the wazoo! Looks like I need to do another water change. The man who owned the store we purchased our set up from told us we do not need a protein skimmer. I think he is very wrong. I think we do. Too many others have told us the importance of it. Thanks for...
  13. eva b.

    lunare wrasse

    I have a lunare wrasse that has gotten so aggrssive. He has killed my banded wrasse and neon goby. I have debated on taking him back to where I purchased him and just let them have him. Even tho he is gorgeous, I don't like his behavior. He has even beaten up my hawk fish. Have any of you...
  14. eva b.

    red algea

    I have a red algea that has appeared in my tank. I do regular water changes and the tank is not over crowded. What can I do to get rid of this? And why is this happening?