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  1. ramzrt32

    Velvet Damsel

    Had one......... 1st day home my Lion fish ate him..... He was good to look at while he lasted.......
  2. ramzrt32

    Red Stuff

    Tank is about a 3 month set up.....All levels are good to go....All are at the set limits......I think it is an out break of alge..... What would be the best cure for this????
  3. ramzrt32

    Red Stuff

    Upon looking into my tank tonight I am noticing Red spots...... On the glass ont he plants..... I saw them before didnt think nuttin of then I scrubbed them and it seems they have come back..... I have done my water change ( 50 % )Do I need to get some fish to eat that crap I think it is...
  4. ramzrt32

    SIDE GLASS BLEW OUT,125 gallons of mess

    Cool Pics Steve,,,,, Keep them coming,.. I personally like the big pics,,,,Cool Tank...... Jason
  5. ramzrt32

    Darn Lion Fish

    No sorry Jon No pics of the little fella.... AS for lights I am completely stock.... Went to Walmart they had 55 gallon in stock and on sale and I boguht it up and set it up.... All I I done different is get under rock filtering system and a couple power heads....I porlly have the cheapest set...
  6. ramzrt32

    Darn Lion Fish

    Hey Jon I got to thinking.... For a dwarf yea you could get away with puttin some of those in.... IF you went a full size Lion I would say no because it ate mine like there was no tomorrow.....And yes Regis that is my Final answer :P Jason
  7. ramzrt32

    Darn Lion Fish

    My best advice..... Anything BIGGER than him Would be a good choice... LOL... Well If you would have sang me a song while you were out there I might would have thrown the tank... Well depends on your singing might have been a shoe I would have thrown... But to be honest I aint the best when...
  8. ramzrt32

    Darn Lion Fish

    Jon I would say a dwarf Zebra.... That is just from what I have read,,,I have a Black lion he is about 4 1/2 inches long and he eats like a pig.... I sorta wish I didnt get him... SOB eats everything in sight.... a dwarf Zebra would prolly be a good choice....... Jason
  9. ramzrt32

    Darn Lion Fish

    Well Jon I too live in IL so at least shipping would be cheap......It is only a 55 gallon you prolly wouldnt want it..It hasnt gone out the window yet But I will let you know when it does... Just make sure your down there to catch it....... Jason
  10. ramzrt32

    Darn Lion Fish

    Well Jon They "were" doing good ( clown and Lion) But he got ahold of the clown yesterday) I was kinda hoping to have him take out the last 2 damsels but it didnt work... With me looking int he tank and seeing no clown and then looking at the lion It seems he didnt want to wait another day for...
  11. ramzrt32

    got new fish

    Expensive Lunch is right..... I have learned all about that with my Lion Fish....Can home and he had a big Belly....Damn thing ate my last clown.....Thinking I should go to McDonalds and just get him happy meals.....
  12. ramzrt32

    Darn Lion Fish

    Now isnt it correct that Brine isnt good to be feeding them all the time??????
  13. ramzrt32

    Darn Lion Fish

    Well after the incident with all of my new clowns dying off on me the lionfish has decided to start his crap up again by trying to eat my last clown. He wont take to frozen squid ( hermet crab loves it though)I am sorta sick of running to my LFS and getting him ghost shrimp all the time? How...
  14. ramzrt32


    What is the best way to get the PH up.... Jason
  15. ramzrt32


    ph. 7.8 NITRATE 20 Amm. 0.0 NITRITE .8
  16. ramzrt32

    picky,picky eaters

    Wow thought I was the only one on here with Clown probs... I am having the same prob with my 4 that I have. They aint to keen on the flake food so I am about to try some squid and see if they take to that... If you come up with anything else let me know.. Thanks Jason
  17. ramzrt32


    He doesnt even mess witht he clowns... Shows no interest in them......
  18. ramzrt32


    He was feeding himself..... But he is down to the last 2 and I dont know if they are alil faster than the other 4..Or maybe he is just getting lazy..... Jason
  19. ramzrt32


    String trick what is that?????
  20. ramzrt32


    No I will take any advice I can get...I dont want to lose any fish.... It is 55 gallons I sorta wish I had bigger but this is a good size for me to start at.... LFS is closed today I will make sure I pick one up tomorrow... Now if I can just get this damn lion fish to eat frozen food I will have...