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  1. ramzrt32


    Not brand new..... Been going through the cycle for 7 weeks w/ 6 damsels..... Jason I thought you meant did I pick it up at a garage sale or something where germs and stuff could have attached itself to the tank..... Sorry about that.... I been through the cycling process.......
  2. ramzrt32


    Tank is brand new.... 55 gallon crushed coral for the bottom. under rock filter with 2 power heads and an over the back filter. few artifical plants and one big rock... salt level 1.023 Jason
  3. ramzrt32


    I got a question for you guys. I have 4 clown fish in the tank right now. But I seem to have 2 that is either sick (I hope not)and or lazy. They lay at the bottom on their belly then switch to their side like they are going to croak on me. Are clowns lazy or is this a sign of worse things to...
  4. ramzrt32

    catching damsels

    I sorta found out a Black Lion will take care of your Damsel problem.. I started with 6 damels I am now down to 2 within 4 days... My lion is looking fat already