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  1. chsreef


    Is this an aptasia? Never seen one like it. It's never moved or reproduced in over a year. Thoughts?
  2. chsreef

    Removing glass tops???

    I have the coralife pc hoods, so I think the end caps will be good. I wish I could attach the arms you can buy, but don't have enough room.
  3. chsreef

    Removing glass tops???

    How far off the water should pc's be? I removed my glass top last night and hoods are sitting direct on top of tank. They are approximately 3" off the water.
  4. chsreef

    Removing glass tops???

    I have two 96 coralife pc's on my 46 gallon bow that sit on glass top. I tried to mount them w/ the coralife arms but there is not enough space. Should I remove glass and place directly above tank? The coralife hoods have a protective plexiglass shield that covers the bulbs. Tks
  5. chsreef

    Frogspawn trouble

    tks for info. Lighting is actually 192 watts of pc 50/50. Yes, I gave it some brine shrimp and a pc of silversides last week. I'll try feeding it again and raising the ca, dkh, and position in the tank. The frogspawn isn't getting blasted by ph but I'll try a lower area of current.
  6. chsreef

    Frogspawn trouble

    I don't have a nitrate problem. My LFS told me lighting was sufficient. Just great.
  7. chsreef

    Frogspawn trouble

    I purchased a metallic green frogspawn a couple weeks ago. It has been doing great but yesterday I noticed one side is closed up. The tenacles were barely visible but the other side looks normal. I have two 96 watt pc 50/50's over a 46 gallon bow front. My dkh is low, 6-7. Calcium around...
  8. chsreef

    Do all frogspawn branch?

    I just p/u a green metallic frogspawn. Do all frogspawn branch? I did a search and saw alot of nice ones that branched and then were fragged. Tks for info.
  9. chsreef

    my wellso shrunk??????

    Mine does the same thing from time to time. I've had it around 8 months. It seems to puff back up after a water change. Mine never shows feeder tentacles so I spray it w/ some mysis and then place silversides on a couple mouths. It eats them right up.
  10. chsreef

    light ?

    I already run a CoralLife PC 50/50 along w/ a CoralLife Actinic bulb in a All Glass strip over my 46 bow front. It's about time to replace the bulb in the PC. Should I replace the 50/50 w/ a 10,000k bulb? Will this give me more "growth" lighting. Eventually, I want to add another CoralLife...
  11. chsreef

    yellow coris wrasse's

    I've got one that is doing great. Very active and eats about anything. Doesn't bother any other fish. Mine is always searching for pods and eats any tiny part of cleanup crew. I had hundreds of tiny brittle stars and tiny snails that the wrasse devoured. Hasn't messed w/ my larger snails...
  12. chsreef

    Too many fish?

    Yeah, I love the wrasse but it does munch pods and small things in my clean-up crew.
  13. chsreef

    Too many fish?

    46 gallon bow front w/ 25 lbs of live rock. Can I keep a maroon clown, yellow coris wrasse, and 3 green chromis? Already have the clown and wrasse. tks
  14. chsreef

    Tiny white brittle stars

    Over the past couple days, I've noticed hundreds of tiny white brittle stars in my tank. Where do these come from? I have one fairly large brown/black brittle star in the tank. Are these anyway harmful? tks
  15. chsreef

    Skimmer or more filtration?

    I think the MicroJet is 117 gph. My main concern was a nitrate/ammonia spike since I removed the biowheels. No spike yet, and LFS was recommending doubling my live rock over time. I'm moving in a couple months so don't want to add more lr. What type of powerhead would you recommend? I've...
  16. chsreef

    Skimmer or more filtration?

    I removed the biowheels from Penguin 330 on my 46 gallon bow front that has been up and running for 2 1/2 years. I have a MicroJet powerhead for extra circulation. I have 40 lbs of live rock, cc, w/ some shrooms and yellow pollyps. 3 fish: coral beauty, banggai cardinal, and maroon clown. I...
  17. chsreef

    Brown film

    I've started dosing w/ Seachem's Reef Complete, Reef Carbonate, and Reef Plus. I know have a brown film on the top of my water. Is this common? What can I do about it? tks
  18. chsreef

    Brain tissue recession

    Purchased a Wesophillia over a month ago. It had a small spot of tissue recession (where there tissue conects to the bottom) that I didn't see. LFS said this would heal. Brain appears to be healthy w/ great color and "puffs up" alot during the day. Once the brain shrinks at night, you can...
  19. chsreef

    Do carbon filters work or waste of $$$$?

    Some came w/ my filter and took them out last night. I have 25#s of live rock in 46g bow.
  20. chsreef

    Cucumbers in CC

    Do cucumber's do well w/ cc?