Frogspawn trouble


New Member
I purchased a metallic green frogspawn a couple weeks ago. It has been doing great but yesterday I noticed one side is closed up. The tenacles were barely visible but the other side looks normal. I have two 96 watt pc 50/50's over a 46 gallon bow front. My dkh is low, 6-7. Calcium around 420. Ph is good and no ammonia, nitrate problems. I believe it's a scrolling frogspawn. The skeleton is showing on the one side where the tentacles are retracted. It's about 8" from the top of the tank in medium flow. Could the flow be too strong on that one side of the frogspawn? I plan on raising the dkh. Should I raise the calcium? Don't have a picture since I'm working. tks


Staff member
Lighting is not sufficient and corals do not have much tolerance for nitrates.

bang guy

I agree with Beth but if you can raise that coral up a few more inches and have it directly beneath the middle of one of those PCs then I believe it will be able to thrive.
Have you tried feeding it yet?


I started with a frag with two branches under 110 watts. Shortly after introducing it into my tank one branch died like yours. I don't feed my frogspawn directly, just keep it close to the light. It gets moderate flow but not a direct blast. I add Kent Calc. reactor and iodine and maintain good water quality. It has grown to around 8 plus separate branches in a little over a year. So, i think if its positioned near the surface 96 watts will probably do. Corals that form a hard skeleton like frogspawn really need lots of calcium.


quick question, not to get off the subject but what and how do you feed frogspawn. I dose my tank with DT's for my coco worm, and I squirt brine at my frogspawn every couple of days. It seems to be thriving. Am I doing things right? I just want to make sure I am taking care of my little guys.


New Member
tks for info. Lighting is actually 192 watts of pc 50/50. Yes, I gave it some brine shrimp and a pc of silversides last week. I'll try feeding it again and raising the ca, dkh, and position in the tank. The frogspawn isn't getting blasted by ph but I'll try a lower area of current.