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  1. cmack

    Current USA Orbit Marine

    I'm curious to know what you used to make a bracket. I currently have mine mounted in my canopy but I think it's a little too close to the surface as I have some "Disco light" effects on the sand bed, so i'm thinking about changing the location.
  2. cmack

    Current USA Orbit Marine

    I'm running a orbit IC over my 125 and will probably add a 2nd to get increased PAR. I can keep softies and LPS with what I have, Current states you can keep some low light SPS with them too but if I ever get to that point I will probably either swap out completely or ad some supplemental lighting
  3. cmack

    Live Rock?

    just wondering what type of rock most people are using these days? SWF still sells traditional rock harvested from the oceans, other sites are heavily pushing the eco-friendly types. Personally I like the look of the traditional rock but i'm not a fan of the hitchhikers that I've experienced on...
  4. cmack

    I've been out of the hobby for a few years and need some lighting help

    I'm figuring 3 160WE lights then supplement as needed with cheaper lights like the ones in the video above
  5. cmack

    I've been out of the hobby for a few years and need some lighting help

    Good video...I'm currently thinking a couple Kessil 160WE lights and adding supplemental. A little more than I originally wanted to spend but for a tank this size i don't want to go too cheap
  6. cmack

    I've been out of the hobby for a few years and need some lighting help

    The Current Orbit IC LEDs ar $399 for my size tank, so i was thinking of using those and supplement lighting as needed in the future.
  7. cmack

    I've been out of the hobby for a few years and need some lighting help

    Ideally I don't want to go over $400
  8. cmack

    I've been out of the hobby for a few years and need some lighting help

    So how many and what wattage would I use over a 6' 125G tank? there isn't much info on the auction page. I am also thinking about "Current Orbit IC" and then supplement with lights like these as needed
  9. cmack

    I've been out of the hobby for a few years and need some lighting help

    Hi all, My last tank was a 180 with MH lighting, I stepped away for a few years and have now been given a 125 Gal tank, 6' x 18.5" x 23 D. I'd like to do LED lights or a mix of LED and something else, trying to keep power consumption down. What would you recommend? I typically keep LPS, but...
  10. cmack

    Aiptasia? shrimp? copperbanded butterfly?

    Hi all, I m starting to develop an aiptasia problem in my tank, it is a 55G hex front, about 2' wide, 2' deep and maybe 18" or so front to back. I was thinking about peppermint shrimp to help with the Aiptasia but I already have a blood red fire shrimp who has established his territory. I was...
  11. cmack

    Filter suggestions

    As I stated in another thread, I have been out of the hobby since around 2005 and am starting again but with a smaller tank. My last tank was 180g and I built a custom sump to fit under the stand I made, the sump had a protein skimmer chamber a return chamber and a refuge. My new tank is a 55...
  12. cmack

    How would you plumb this tank?

    I did some research and I do like the idea of a silent system (so does my wife), the sound of trickling water in our living room can get bothersome. I'm curious if the beananimal system may be overkill for a smaller tan this size. I guess I still have some research to do but at least I have some...
  13. cmack

    How would you plumb this tank?

    ok, I'll look it up and give it a shot. thanks all
  14. cmack

    How would you plumb this tank?

    I like the idea of the center overflow on the back wall. If I drill the back, does it matter how far down below the surface I go? I guess the Overflow box itself will regulate the water level so it shouldn't matter... Also, is one hole enough or should I have two drains? And what size hole would...
  15. cmack

    How would you plumb this tank?

    No, it was disassembled at the LFS when I got it. I'm not sure what the previous owner kept in it either, I think he was somehow using an under gravel filter...
  16. cmack

    How would you plumb this tank?

    here are a couple pics of the tank
  17. cmack

    How would you plumb this tank?

    Yes, they are in the bottom. I'll try and post pics tonight when I get home from work.
  18. cmack

    How would you plumb this tank?

    not sure about the herbie drain, there is no overflow in the tank. Just two holes almost in the middle, I really don't want standpipes in the center of the tank...
  19. cmack

    How would you plumb this tank?

    yes, bulkheads, sorry. Should I combine the two drain holes with a T and run it to the sump? Or should I use one drain for the sump and the other to go directly to a refuge of some kind? I'm not sure if I even need a refuge for a tank this size, I'd like to leave room in the sump for a protein...
  20. cmack

    How would you plumb this tank?

    So, I've been out of the hobby for about 6 years and today I bought a used 55gal acrylic hex tank. I want to do a reef setup, probably LPS and some fish, but I can't figure out the best way to do the plumbing. the tank is predrilled in the bottom with 2) 1 1/4 baffles installed and then the top...