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  1. ryeomans

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Can't believe this thread's still going! Here's me - on the outside of a police van for a pleasant change :)
  2. ryeomans

    Salt Build accumulation on walls

    I have seen a skimmer leave black marks on a wall it was stood by. Didn't notice it while it was there, but as soon as we moved the tank we noticed it. If you're concerned about any marks on the wall, the plexi idea sounds like a really good one.
  3. ryeomans

    Here goes nothing...

    Fantastic looking tank, I'd probably sell the gold canopy and invest in a Porsche instead though :)
  4. ryeomans

    Saltwater problems

    It could well be undisovled salt - I wouldn't worry about it right now, you've got a long way to go before things will start to come together. Just make sure you have some circulation in the tank to help things disolve.
  5. ryeomans

    my coraline is dying!!!!

    Try adding Iodine
  6. ryeomans

    Tiny Air bubbles

    Could they be coming from the DSB? If it's doing it's job, you'll see gas bubbles being produced.
  7. ryeomans

    Ignore this post

    Does it count if I clicked on the thread, but shut my eyes as soon as it opened?
  8. ryeomans

    Protein skimmer

    What type of skimmer do you have? There can be a huge difference between manufacturers. It can also depend on your bioload, but with 4 fish I would imagine you'd see a fairly regular supply of gunk!
  9. ryeomans

    Salt Build accumulation on walls

    The salt itself doesn't evaporate, but you may get salt creep. From what I've seen on my old tank, the slightest splashing from a skimmer or similar will leave salt traces. Shouldn't cause problems on walls or other appliances near by.
  10. ryeomans

    acrylic or glass

    I've heard that some puffer fish can scratch an acrylic tank, so if one of those figures in your future it might give you something to think about.
  11. ryeomans

    Will hermit crabs attack fish ?

    Yes they do - the list of expensive meals for my 2" hermit includes 1 dwarf lion, 1 small volitans and his most recent feast - a 1 1/2" niger trigger on Sunday. I've seen him try to grab fish before but they've always been to quick for him - I figure he hunts them down while they're sleeping...
  12. ryeomans

    Another "Help ID this thing"...

    Can anyone help ID this "thing" for want of a better description? Here's a rundown.....7 tentacle type "things" all coming from the same hole in the live rock. They come out, have a feel around, then retract back into their hole. I'd say they're around 3 inches in length and the hole is no...
  13. ryeomans

    Mantis Shrimp wanted
  14. ryeomans

    I want a mantis shrimp, anyone got one to offer?
  15. ryeomans

    I want a mantis shrimp, anyone got extras? In Collectors Corner they have a Peacock Manits for sale.
  16. ryeomans

    Hermit with anenomes

    I have a huge hermit crab (around 2'" long) with two anenomes on his shell. I have two questions....what type of anenomes are these likely to be? They seem extremely hardy - getting burried in sand, squashed between the shell and the aquarium glass, and scraped along the rock whenever the crab...
  17. ryeomans

    Damsel Vs Dwarf Lion

    Well - after waiting 7 weeks for my tank to cycle, all the levels were looking just fine so I decided to put a dwarf lion in with the two damsels I'd been using for cycling. Everything went fine....for the first day, but when I checked on him the following morning most of his spines were...
  18. ryeomans

    Triggerfish/dwarf lion

    Well - I'm still a novice, but I'd say 45 Gal is more than adequate for a dwarf lion. They're pretty hardy, and from what I understand they used to be popular for cycling tanks. They're pretty messy eaters, so good filtration is necessary - I have a Biowheel and protein skimmer with 2...