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  1. skip

    Brown crabs-please help quick

    Thanks Broomer, I'm going to take them out today. What do you guys do with the stuff you take out? Take back to LFS or flush? And what about red hermits? Are they beneficial or will they pick off small feather dusters? Do dusters ever come back??
  2. skip

    Broomer, Mr Saltly, Sammy-where are you guys?

    Please read the thread about the brown crabs. Everyday I have to wait, more and more stuff in being destroyed in my tank and I don't know who to take out. Are you guys out there. or just overwhelmed with questions? 55 Gal. Set up for 1 1/2 years. 3 to 4" DSB with appprox. 40 pds live rock...
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    Brown crabs-please help quick

    There have been 90 people lookat this post and only one to answer who basically had the same question as me Please help.
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    Brown crabs-please help quick

    Just trying to make sure this thread gets seen. I'm counting on you guys!
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    Brown crabs-please help quick

    I don't think so, but I do think one of my so-called hermits might be that way. Can someone please help us as to which crabs are beneficial and which are harmful?
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    Brown crabs-please help quick

    I'm frustrated! I've done all I know to do and taken alot of advice off this website. I now have about 4" LS and 40pds of LR. I had a pretty sand bed bottom but now it is covered with debre(sp?). I have two brown crabs that I believe were in my LS. One's body is almost as big as my...
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    Conveting FO to Reef

    I would eventually like to convert my FO tank to a Reef tank. I have done everything I know to do as far as LS and LR. Could someone explain in english what I need for lighting? I just have the canopy that came with my All Glass tank and two 50/50 bulbs. Also my water is still at 20ppm...
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    Clam on LR

    I am real new at this but needed to ask a question. I have been buying FL LR from LFS and it has all kinds of neat stuff on it including some clams(I don't know what type)They look a little like Brazil nuts. Anyway, I can see them opening and closing at times. One fell or disattached itself...
  9. skip

    Will urchin eat off LR?

    I have a urchin that is about the size of a dime. Just a regular one-not long spinned. Anyway the lady at the LFS said he would clean off my LR. Don't want that!!! Is it true? Anyway to avoid this? (He came in on a piece of LR) Should I just turn him into LFS? I have some small...
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    Take Blenny out to add sand?

    Blu Tang, I don't have a refugium. I still new at this and kind of trying to figure out exactly what that is. I've seen some pictures on this web site. but still not sure how to go about making one. It seems to me I don't have anymore room in the cabinet under my tank. I have a sump under...
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    Take Blenny out to add sand?

    Blenny didn't make it. Everyone else was fine. Fitzwilly, your way of adding sand sounded safer than how I did it. I tried to rinse the sand but it still clouded the water badly. Although I hear of folks using just regular play sand on here(as did I), I'm not sure it was the best idea. Too...
  12. skip

    Do I need sand shifters?

    HNF, sorry I didn't reply. I've been off a few day. It only took about 24 hours to completely clear. Now I have a question for the experts...........I have stuff on my glass that looks like small dust blowing with the current(it's white). Usually whats on my glass looks like green algae...
  13. skip

    Take Blenny out to add sand?

    Thanks, but he's still just laying there(upright) and breathing very slow. Maybe he'll make it, if he doesn't starve first. Anyway, I have a QT tank, but didn't think about that for him when I added the sand. Next time I'll know:(
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    Do I need sand shifters?

  15. skip

    Do I need sand shifters?

    Could you please give me the websites for the places you're purchasing from?
  16. skip

    Scooter blennies

    Are you talking about brine shrimp for feeding the blenny? What are these pellets that sink? Something I can buy at LFS?
  17. skip

    Take Blenny out to add sand?

    I added about 30 pds of sand to my tank two days ago. It was playsand made by quickrete.(I tried to find SD and couldn't) Anyway, I have about 35 pds of LS as well. The water got real cloudy(even though I rinsed the sand), and now my scooter blenny seems to be having trouble breathing. Could...
  18. skip

    Do I need sand shifters?

    Thanks, I read the article. It cleared some stuff up. I put my LS in first, because the LFS told me it was all I would need. After finding this website, I realized I needed much more sand. I added the playsand next. Now you can see the layer where the new sand starts. Shoud I try and mix...
  19. skip

    Do I need sand shifters?

    I finally added my DSB. I have about 2-3inches depending where you measure it. I had to use Playsand because I had already looked and looked for SD and couldn't find it.( I already had 30pds of LS) It sure made a mess of the tank, but is clear now. I just have residue on everything...
  20. skip

    Will adding LR cause cycle?

    Jeeze, Louise, I must be all confused. I thought, half the advantage to live rock WAS all the stuff that came on it. SO.....when everyone on here talks about adding live rock or live sand-I guess they mean to a tank with no fish????? Is is safe for me to put in one piece at a time-cured or...