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  1. kyaney

    BUFFER Does Not Raise PH!!!!

    Oh yeah, a couple of more things. When using the terms 'raising pH and making more alkaline'.......they are the same thing. Neutral is about 7.0. Anything above that is basic (or alkaline) and anything below that is acidic. But then again, anything above any number is more alkaline (basic)...
  2. kyaney

    BUFFER Does Not Raise PH!!!!

    In order to know what a buffer will do to your tank, you have to know what a buffer is. A buffer is something that, when added, will allow the addition of an acid or a base without a change (or a minimal change) in the pH. The more effective the buffer, the more acid or base that can be added...
  3. kyaney

    Plumbing question??

    My sumps are in the basement. Any time there has been a power outage, there hasn't been a problem. The tank will only empty as deep as you have the return lines. My return heads are only about 2 inches below the water line, so the main tank can only empty two inches.
  4. kyaney

    RO v RODI

    Nudibranch If you think about it, the +/- ion (or cations/anions) that are removed are some of the most important thngs to be removed. Not important in terms of being needed, but in terms of being removed. The +/- refers to the charge that the particular element has: ie. Ca has a (+) 2 charge...
  5. kyaney

    Schools out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks tervman. I was hoping that someone else would mention that also. I'm thinking of going back to Jr Hi just so that I can have a hot math teacher like her :)
  6. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    I haven't measured it, but probably 4.5 - 5 inches
  7. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    The lights. Again, no canopy yet.
  8. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    Just the white light on
  9. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    Just the blue light on
  10. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    OK, here they are. Sorry for the bad pics, I was in a hurry. I just have the lights sitting on the tank. I'll build a canopy this week. This one is with both lights on.
  11. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    I received the 2X32 retro kit yesterday along with a moon light. What a big difference! After work I came went onto my office, turned out the lights, and stared at the tank with the moon light on. Nice stress reliever.
  12. kyaney

    Sump Question

    OK, another potential money pit. I have three reef tanks in my house (75, 90, 120). When I had the house, I actually had them built into it. I have each of the sumps (ecosystems) in the basement, each with their own room. The water is then pumped up to the tanks. Well, I bought a 7 gal nano...
  13. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    Thanks for the help. I ordered a 2X32 watt retro with a moon light. Strange, I called sooooo many places looking for these lights and no one was able to send me in the right direction. This is a great example of why something like this is so helpful.
  14. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    The light and hood that I have now is 17 inches long and about 4 inches wide. Is that similar to yours? Thanks for the info.
  15. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    OK, I just read the thread above mine that mentions your lights. Can you please email me and tell me where you got them? Thanks
  16. kyaney

    7 gallon nano

    Hey That is the same tank that I have. Tell me about the lights that you have. Now, I am using an 18 watt PC. That is the only thing that I have found that fits. I would love something a little brighter.
  17. kyaney

    Most Expensive Fish!

    My ex-wife. Cost me over $100,000.00. Sorry if that offended anyone.
  18. kyaney

    Lighting for a 5 gal.

    I have a 6 gallon nano and have an 18W PC. I have looked everwhere for something bigger, but everything is too long. Where can I get a 32W retrofit?
  19. kyaney

    pert' near died

    Yesterday when I got home from work, I quickly noticed that the water level in my tank was down about 4 inches, which means that the pump shut down for some reason. I have an ecosystem in the basement that pumps the water up to my 90 in my den. Once in awhile a chunk of something gets caught in...
  20. kyaney

    .75 gal nano??

    Where can I buy one of those cool .75 nano tanks. If a website is available, email me at