Plumbing question??


Active Member
Not sure how this would work...I was thinking of some future plumbing and was wondering if this would work or if even a good idea?
Pump up from sump and have drain from above fug. tap into line. Will the fug. system back up?


Active Member
Yes, because it is easier for the pump to deliver the water to the fuge than to the tank a couple feet higher.


Active Member
Don't think so. The pressure going upwards to the display tank will not allow the water from the fuge to enter.
You can connect the fuge's outlet to the pipe right before the pump.


My sumps are in the basement. Any time there has been a power outage, there hasn't been a problem. The tank will only empty as deep as you have the return lines. My return heads are only about 2 inches below the water line, so the main tank can only empty two inches.


Active Member
Well, I see your point. I was hoping to save the pods from pump damage, by having it after the pump. I guess just keeping it above display will do.


Active Member
looking at the picture it looks like the return from the sump would filloverflow the fuge.


Active Member
Yeh, that's what I thought. I was hoping that my first thought that it would create a siphon and pull water in like a python vacuum, would work.


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
looking at the picture it looks like the return from the sump would filloverflow the fuge.

That is exactly what my first reply explained.

bang guy


Originally posted by spmnarciso
I was hoping to save the pods from pump damage, by having it after the pump.

Pumps don't really hurt pods.
Try a design where a split from the overflow goes to the refugium and can be controlled with a valve. Then have the refugium overflow into the sump.


Active Member
I have a lot of pods living in the pre-skimmer sponge of one of my powerheads. Then every now and then I see one get shot out. They seem unharmed and swimm straight back into the sponge.