
Does anyone know the aprox difference in the purity of RODI over RO water? I've been topping off my nano reef with bottle RO water from the grocery store, and I'm thinking that may be contributing to the alage break out in my tank, it's not a huge out break but i'm thinking the RODI would be better. Well, I know it's better but anyone know just how much? I'm not looking for any technical, a generalization would be sufficient.


Well I did some more research and I found that it should make the water no more than 10% cleaner (from 90%, which is low estmate, to 99.9%). I've also been reading that all DI does is remove - and + ions from the water. Will this help to better curb my algae issue?
Part of the issue has already been fixed with a shorter photo period and increased flow. My out break started when I decreased flow to enable a mushroom to attach.


Should be fine with just RO. I've always used it with no problems. I had a alage break out but it was due to the light from my bay window. Good luck with the alage.


Well I did a water change and hiked up my really flow rate and it seems to have curbed the problem. :) Never underestimate the power of a water change. I also heard somewhere that Safeway sells RODI bottled water for really cheap...I'll take a look into that. At 1g/3weeks it wont break the bank. LOL


If you think about it, the +/- ion (or cations/anions) that are removed are some of the most important thngs to be removed. Not important in terms of being needed, but in terms of being removed. The +/- refers to the charge that the particular element has: ie. Ca has a (+) 2 charge and Cl has a (-) charge. Yes, it'll be taking those out, but you can add more of that. It'll also be taking out the things that you don't want, like flourine etc. It appears to not be much (only an extra 10%), but a few moles of flourine removed is just as important as a few grams of toxin.


Are you sure it's RO water you're getting from the grocery store? Stores don't usually sell RO, but almost all sell DI water. Most RO units aren't made to filter drinking water.

bang guy

The major difference between RO and DI is that RO can only remove about 70% of Phosphate and Silicate. These are major contributors toward algae. DI can remove 99%. The Hi-S RO can get up to 95% though so if your RO can accept a Hi-S membrane then just that switch may help a lot.