Search results

  1. mynfel

    $75 gallon Tank for sale in VA

    Let me note in case this was misleading - the live rock has been sold with the tank - the $100 includes the fish, the corals and anything else that's alive in the tank.
  2. mynfel

    $75 gallon Tank for sale in VA

    Hey all - the tank and hardware has been sold (all to a single buyer). He does not want the livestock. $100 and you come and get it - the fish, inverts, soft corals, etc.)
  3. mynfel

    $75 gallon Tank for sale in VA

    Here are some pics. It's a bit of a mess, like I mentioned (as far as the majanos go).
  4. mynfel

    $75 gallon Tank for sale in VA

    OK - if I can, I'd like to sell the whole thing as one piece. Failing that I'll sell just the live rock and fish, etc. and keep the tank for setup at a later time. Now that I'm home I can list more of the specifics. Here's the breakdown of the hardware: 75 gallon All Glass with built in...
  5. mynfel

    $75 gallon Tank for sale in VA

    I'm in Centreville - near Dulles Airport. :)
  6. mynfel

    $75 gallon Tank for sale in VA

    Ok - I've had this reef tank for 4 years - I haven't been able to keep up with it lately due to personal problems and it's fallen apart a bit (algae and *many* nuisance anenomes). It's not really fair to the fish and I feel bad so if someone wants to come take it off my hands that would be...
  7. mynfel

    clown fish suicide

    Sadly, my female clownfish (false) of three years jumped out of the tank yesterday. Ironically enough I was at the Baltimore Aquarium and did not find her until I got home...sigh... My question is this: what to do with her little male companion? Can I buy another clownfish and if so will he...
  8. mynfel

    LR for sale in DC metro Area

    I would be interested in the other half - or even 25 lbs if you're willing. Would I be able to pick it up this upcoming weekend? (or maybe Friday)
  9. mynfel

    Spectrapure RO/DI not working?

    pretty cold I guess - LFS said to keep it cold...but I can try raising the temp....what's the best temperature?
  10. mynfel

    Spectrapure RO/DI not working?

    Hi all, I purchased the MPDI-60 today at my LFS and I'm not sure if it's working properly. First of all, after letting it run over 2 hours (during setup - I was supposed to get 2 gallons of purified water to discard) I maybe had a gallon of purified water - that seems a little slow to me...
  11. mynfel

    angelwing clams?

    The only link I found about them is here: The ones he found are less than an inch in length. He went ahead and put them in his tank (along with some sand). After 24 hours several seem to have died (or at least, been eaten - as their shells are...
  12. mynfel

    angelwing clams?

    Has anyone ever heard of putting angelwing clams in a reef tank? It came up this weekend at a friend's house (he lives near the beach and was thinking of adding a few to his tank). Thanks :)
  13. mynfel

    Royal Gramma swimming upside down!

    Strangely enough, I was going to post here about the same thing myself...I got my fish last Friday - it hangs up near the top of the tank and swims either on its side or upside down. It seems to be eating just fine. I know the other fish picked on him a little when I first put him in there, but...
  14. mynfel

    angel with wound?

    Hi there, I received a coral beauty angel about three weeks ago. Within a few days the lips of the angel turned white, and about a week later they turned back. I did several water changes of 20% or more during that time in case it was a water issue. As of last week a white patch appeared on...
  15. mynfel

    white lips on coral beauty

    In case anyone cares...the white color is receding at this point. I haven't actually done anything with the fish - it started eating really well, so maybe the color was stress induced. mynfel
  16. mynfel

    elegance coral

    Hi there...Got an elegance coral on Friday - it seemed to be doing ok for a few days. I fed it a piece of shrimp on Sunday (and left to go out of town). I am still out of town, but my husband says that the edges of the coral are still green, but there is nothing at all in the middle.(!) I...
  17. mynfel

    white lips on coral beauty

    I just got a coral beauty (small) angelfish last week. It seems to be doing fairly well, but I've noticed the last few days its lips are turning white - seem a little puffy. It doesn't seem to feed when I put food in the tank - spirulina, etc, but it has been picking like crazy on any algae on...
  18. mynfel

    condy acting strangely

    Hi there...Just a got a condy from - I haven't had one before. Initially he moved around a little bit, but now he's settled deep down into the rock so I can't really see him at all. I thought these guys liked light? I don't have MH, just some bright ultra-compact/actinic...