angelwing clams?


New Member
Has anyone ever heard of putting angelwing clams in a reef tank? It came up this weekend at a friend's house (he lives near the beach and was thinking of adding a few to his tank).
Thanks :)

bang guy

I'd like to help but I don't know what an Angelwing Clam is. Are they similar to Cocina (sp?) Clams?
If they are found at the waters edge I would guess that they require the strong wave action to survive.


New Member
The only link I found about them is here:
The ones he found are less than an inch in length. He went ahead and put them in his tank (along with some sand). After 24 hours several seem to have died (or at least, been eaten - as their shells are empty) - but there are several still there, half buried in the sand.
Guess I'll just have to wait and see :)