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  1. ananda

    sand sifters

    Did you use any live sand from an established tank? Do you have live rock in there? Worms usually come in LS, pods from LR. The "bio-active" sand does not have most of what makes live sand "live". It is supposed to have bacteria, but it has no pods or worms of any sort. Further, while the...
  2. ananda

    hows my stocking list

    Originally posted by joe's reefer we have all the inverts allready but no fish im going today to get some.i have alot of algea for some reason also but just the green hairy stuff and brown on the glass and nothing on the sand [/B] I think you should get the algae under control before you get...
  3. ananda

    Mandarin Goby

    One important question: what other fish do you have in the tank?? IF there aren't any other fish that will eat up the 'pods, then you should be okay. You should probably consider getting a 'pod package every so often to make sure the mandarin will have enough food.
  4. ananda

    Wife's a pain, can I do this nano?

    Originally posted by Sinner's Girl here i am wanting to know if we can register at a lfs...(who needs dishes and toasters, i'd rather tank stuff...) I suspect that if you go to your fave LFS and talk to them about it, they could work something out with you. Hey, it'd be more sales for them! I...
  5. ananda

    The wife saga continues ... I did this

    LOL. I'm in the opposite situation: I take care of all the tanks, my husband pays for all the stuff, at least until I find a new job. (anybody need a tech writer anywhere?? :-)