hows my stocking list

im just really lost on my stocking because every other fish i buy causes a problem so heres a mock one all i have now are the inverts and corals.just look at my signature because i dont feel like typing


How does your pistol shrimp do with the rest of your other inverts are they well tempered??
the pistol is great with everything he minds his own for the most part.he only snaps at hermits and they "run" away.


Active Member
I'll help Joe. Besides, don't worry- I have a hard time getting any responses to any of my questions as of late. Anyway, it seems as though you have a few inverts with huge appetities for algae. It may be very difficult to keep to linkias fed in a 30 gallon. You may only need 1 sand sifting star also.
my mom loves linkias,electric scallops and horseshoe crabs.well my horseshoe died from unknown causes and we have all the inverts allready but no fish im going today to get some.i have alot of algea for some reason also but just the green hairy stuff and brown on the glass and nothing on the sand

bang guy

I would skip the sand sifter all together.
A Threadfin Goby would be a LOT of fun for you IMO. It will also make your Pistol Shrimp less shy.
My guess is that you Horseshoe crab starved. I'm willing to bet that your scallops are about to as well.


Active Member
Joe, if I get your question, you're wondering what you could add to your current stock list without problems???
While the four fish in your current setup may be plenty, (a lot of rock with a 30 gallon tank) I'm really partial to a 6 line wrasse.
We have one who adds a lot of activity in the tank going in and out of the rock and doesn't really bother anyone else.
If I missed your question's base, let me know and I'll try again.
Good Luck!


New Member
Originally posted by joe's reefer
we have all the inverts allready but no fish im going today to get some.i have alot of algea for some reason also but just the green hairy stuff and brown on the glass and nothing on the sand [/B]
I think you should get the algae under control before you get another fish (and I also vote for the threadfin goby and that would be your LAST fish for this tank). You have a lot of life in this tank to be running it without a skimmer. Check your phosphate and nitrate levels. Both are caused by leftover food, and may be present in your source water if you aren't using RO/DI, and are probably the root cause of your algae problem.
If your phosphates are high, I'd suggest using some Seachem PhosGuard in the power filter. I've used that and the Kent Phosphate Sponge, and highly prefer the Phosguard. The Kent stuff is supposed to work in two days, and then it will start leaching stuff back into the tank (the directions mention this). The Seachem stuff can be left in the tank for long periods, and it turns brown as its capacity gets exhausted. I've read you can also recharge it by letting it sit in the sun for several days. I'm trying this now, and the granules are turning white again.