Search results

  1. petekm1987

    For Sale: BTA

    Tell your wife how much more the bubble tip is than the condy. I just bought a condy for 8.00. That is really cheap. I saw a SMALL bubble tip in a pet store for 45.00. Plus they are so much nicer.
  2. petekm1987

    Going to Germany MUST SELL!!!!!

    I am still interested in those Anemone you have. I can take them off your hands and they would be on less thing for you to worry about. Please e-mail me. Thanks, Pete
  3. petekm1987

    Looking for tanks in Illinois/Iowa area

    LMK through the message board if you got it and if you sent an e-mail so I can make sure we are staying in touch.
  4. petekm1987

    Looking for tanks in Illinois/Iowa area

    I didn't get it. Could you give me your e-mail address so I could send to you?
  5. petekm1987

    anyone interseted in buying or partial trade for some high end paintball equipment

    I am just saying that if people start putting ads in that don't have anything to do with fish then eventually it could become a message board for anything. I didn't have a bad attitude about it. Sorry you thought that! Have a good day!
  6. petekm1987

    Going to Germany MUST SELL!!!!!

    PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU! Let me buy the Sea Anemone! Please e-mail me. Thanks! Have a good day!
  7. petekm1987

    anyone interseted in buying or partial trade for some high end paintball equipment

    Ok this is a SALTWATER FISH site. Not paintball. No one (at least me) wants to know about your paintball stuff. Have a good day!
  8. petekm1987

    naso tang not eating

    Your tang could last for weeks without food. I had a Singapore Angel that didn't eat for 3 weeks and it started to eat but by then it was too late.
  9. petekm1987

    naso tang not eating

    It is possible that it the pet store is not bing 100% honest. It has happened to me a few times. I would try putting in Romaine lettuce. My Tangs love it. Please keep me updated on your problem.
  10. petekm1987

    Help With My New Koran Angel

    Ok first thing you have to do is GET THAT FISH OUT! I had the same problem with my beutiful 8" Blue Angel. Sadly it did not make it. My biggest problem was I didn't get the fish out soon enough. So, I also lost my rare yes rare Townsend Angelfish because the disease spread to it because I didn't...
  11. petekm1987

    ISO Carpet Anemone

    Hey all! I am looking to buy a Carpet Anemone about 8-12" long/wide. Color doesn't matter. Need a picture. I will pay 0-$50. E-mail me: Thanks
  12. petekm1987

    Looking for tanks in Illinois/Iowa area

    I have a 45 Gallon Aquarium. Make an offer! My e-mail is Please do not IM me. I don't like to IM people. Hahaha I cound like a grouch. Thanks!
  13. petekm1987

    Going to Germany MUST SELL!!!!!

    NICE WORK ON THAT TANK! I would be interested in those BEAUTIFUL Anemone. I would be mainly interested in the Haitian. How big is it? How much would you charge for it? You can e-mail me at PeteKM1987 or post a message. I will pay for shipping and handling.
  14. petekm1987

    My porcupine puffer won't eat

    I would like to know what happens to your puffer. So if you see this message please post a reply with an update.
  15. petekm1987

    My porcupine puffer won't eat

    I wish I had read this sooner! I had the same problem a while back and I also was only feeding it krill. It stoped of course, like yours. So I went to a local Deli and bought some roast beef! Yeah seems weird but it worked! Hope your fish is still alive and it helps! Pete
  16. petekm1987

    queen angel prob.

    I had the same prob. with my Blue angel which is also called a false Queen Angel. What you need to do is check your Nitrate levels before you do anything. Are they to High? Well then you need to do a water change. Wait a day or two. Then check it again. It should be good. THen I used a thing...