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  1. mmslue79

    Six Line Wrasse Problem...

    Beth: Sorry for the lack of details, that was my first post in the Disease Forum. He is not breathing hard. There is nothing swollen or any of that as well. It just looks like skin that is peeling off, like it would on a human. Today it looks better. He is eating and acting just fine... I...
  2. mmslue79

    Six Line Wrasse Problem...

    Beth and Others: I just bought a sixline two days ago. Today it looks like his "skin" or scales or peeling. It is white, not dots like ick. He looks and acts fine, but not sure what is wrong with him. Any help would be appreciated. My paramaters are all in range and normal, though my temp...
  3. mmslue79

    What kind of heater to buy?

    I have two pro heat I heaters and love them. For the money I would not buy the digital ones, I have no experience with these. HTH
  4. mmslue79

    Funny story

    Funny Story Watergal!!!!!!!!
  5. mmslue79

    Mexican Turbo

    Cool pic Bang!!!!!!!!!
  6. mmslue79

    A few night shots

    Nice Corraline algae growth on your rocks 007!
  7. mmslue79

    Don "The Hermit" King

    "The Don" is big pimpin!
  8. mmslue79

    Skimmer for small tank

    For that small of a tank, I think A Red Sea Prizm would do the trick. HTH
  9. mmslue79


    Live Rock that is added to a tank could definately cause a little ammonia spike. It is the die-off from the LR that causes this. I am not sure if the snails will make it , but if the ammonia stays somewhat low and for not a long period of time, they might be ok???? HTH
  10. mmslue79

    72 bow

    Not to bust your bubble, but I think a sailfin tang needs a bigger tank eventually. It would probably do just fine for a while, then it will need more swimming room. That is my opinion though. HTH.
  11. mmslue79

    Other online dealers

    Email me and I will tell you of some other online dealers.
  12. mmslue79

    What is everyone's career?

    MorayM: what exactly do you do?
  13. mmslue79

    What is everyone's career?

    Assistant Golf Professional
  14. mmslue79

    Shots from Shedd

    Sweet looking pictures. I only live two hours away and have not yet gone, hopefully soon though.
  15. mmslue79

    3 pics for your veiwing pleasure!

    Nice flower, and I also love those sexies!!
  16. mmslue79

    5" Harlequin Tusk ($45)

    Harliquin Tusk for $45 dollars? Wow that is about half the price you see normally in my area. Sweet find, too bad you dont have any room....
  17. mmslue79

    Newest Addition

    Nice pics! How big is he right now?
  18. mmslue79

    African Chiclids

    Me neither, I posted a thread in the aquarium about iowans on this board and got no replys except for people who went to school here. Well take it easy Xtant, talk to you later.
  19. mmslue79

    updated 6pack

    Nice star Xtant!
  20. mmslue79

    Just A Couple Of Pics To Share

    Great looking tank POPFRD!!!!!!! It looks a lot bigger than an 55 by the way.