Search results

  1. marting83

    Disease or Low PH?

    Yes, rarely. Since I use a carbonate buffer to control PH, it tends to follow PH directly. However, as of 2 minutes ago, Alkilinity is 11dKH or 3.8meq/l. Also: I forgot to mention that I do use RO/DI water. I can see that topic appearing in the near future.
  2. marting83

    Disease or Low PH?

    Less than two weeks ago, for some unknown reason, my PH dropped from the 8.2 to 7.6 in a matter of 48 hours (my testing interval). A couple of days later, I noticed that my Royal Gramma was no longer eating. He is now lying, almost lifeless, between two rocks breathing lightly. I do not see...
  3. marting83

    Hydrometers and Temperature

    I've been doing this successfully for a while but made the mistake of reading a book. I have a Coralife Deep Six Hydrometer. I keep my tank at 81F. This book seems to believe that most hydrometers are calibrated at 59F. First, is this the case with the Deep Six? If yes, based on the...
  4. marting83

    ID this Creature Please

    Sorry, but I could not photograph it. It's too small for my 5.1MP camera. It looks like a tiny snail with no shell. It's about 8mm long and 1mm wide. It's the same color purple that you would see on a Royal Gramma. Lastly, it has a white spot in the middle of its back. I was stunned to...
  5. marting83

    ID Please

    These two "things" came with my Mushroom corals. What are they?
  6. marting83

    What's wrong with these Star Polyps?

    Actually, the new water was 1.024. The aquarium is kept at 1.022.
  7. marting83

    What's wrong with these Star Polyps?

    Two days ago, after conducting a water change, one group of Star Polyps started to close abruply; completely closing within an hour and has not opened since. I used RO/DI water with Instance Ocean that had been areated for 30 hours, Seachem's Reef Carbonate to raise PH from 7.9 to 8.2, and...
  8. marting83

    FOR SALE - Eclipse System 12 w/ Heater

    I am upgrading aquariums (combining 12G and 72G) thus want to sell my Eclipse System 12 Aquarium. I am also including a Marineland Visitherm 100 Watt Heater. If interested, please feel free to request photographs. Below is a list of features and additional information: Aquarium - 12 Gallon...
  9. marting83

    Fish ID Please

    Well... It's a pretty fish, but doesn't sound like one I'd want in my tank. Thanks for the info guys!
  10. marting83

    Got my rock tonight- amazing deal!!

    Wow! I'm jealous. I thought I was given a good deal at $6 per pound. $3? That's great!
  11. marting83


    Where do Phosphates come from? Are they a product of the Bio-Filter like Nitrate?
  12. marting83

    Fish ID Please

    I did not buy him from an lfs. This is a picture from a scubadiving web site based is Hawaii. I would like to find one and buy one but I need to know the name first so that I can dig up some info on him.
  13. marting83

    Fish ID Please

    He's shaped like a Damsel, but, well... see for yourself
  14. marting83

    Christmas Gift

    Since I'm 19, I normally wouldn't appriciate getting a stuffed animal as a Christmas gift, but I love this gift...
  15. marting83


    Ok, it's unanomous. Off I go to buy a couple power heads. Kim, In reguards to turnover, each of your water pumping devices has a GPH (gallons per hour) rating on it. A GPH rating specifies how many gallons that device can pump in 1 hour. You have a Hagan Fluval 404 @ 340GPH, 2 Hagan Aquaclear...
  16. marting83


    How much circulation does everyone use? I am currently using a Marineland 350 Magnum canister Pro w/ Bio-Wheels and was considering putting a powerhead in the two back corners on my 72 gallon SW (obviously not the 12SW or 20FW haha :D ). Opinions? or you can just vote. Poll Explanation: Use...
  17. marting83


    I don't even test for minerals such as calcium becuase I do not yet have corals. The five elements which I test for are as follows: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: <10ppm PH 8.2 Salinity/SG: 1.024
  18. marting83


    Of course! That's the main reason I am using Instant Ocean - It has them all. Thanks for the reality check. lol
  19. marting83

    Sick Clownfish... I think

    Upon closer look, you're right. It is redness. He was eating until I bought the CBS. I guess I made a smart decision when I returned the CBS. Very good Beth! I guess that's why you are a "Shark." Thanks so much for your help!
  20. marting83

    Sick Clownfish... I think

    This particular clownfish has not eaten for the past two days. Note the scaring in the white stripe behind his eye in the picture below. This scaring is limited to that white stripe. I assume this is some sort of illness? My first thought was "Hole in the head disease." What do you guys...