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  1. marting83

    Number of fish?

    I have already asked this question and got a reply from, I believe, Buzz. However, I forgot to ask him whether he meant for the life of the aquarium, or during the initial "break-in" months. His response was 1 fish per 5 gallons of water. So what do you guys think? Here's my setup if this...
  2. marting83


    Obviously it's unanimous... feed a variety of foods! I will also take everyone’s advice and add fish slowly. I'm getting the strong impression that the biological filter in saltwater aquariums is insanely weak when compared to freshwater aquariums. Is this true? I guess it would make since...
  3. marting83


    I'm planning to get my fish sometime this weekend. Here's what I'm starting out with: Percula Clownfish, Firefish, Green Damsels(Not Agressive, right? ), and 1 Royal Gramma. One question though, what am I supposed to feed them? I have Tetra's Marine Flakes, but I read that some fish like...
  4. marting83

    time to aerate ?

    I've never heard of this! Why areate? Explain this concept to me please! Geez, good thing I don't have fish in my tank yet!
  5. marting83

    What should I buy?

    He is pretty, but why can't I keep more than one in an aquarium? Are they aggressive with their own kind? No matter, I still want one.
  6. marting83

    What should I buy?

    Where might I find a picture or perhaps order some since my lfs doesn't carey anything that is called an "assessor" nor does this website? However, this is the chance thatI'm misunderstanding you and you're telling me to consider the yellow or blue damsel.
  7. marting83

    What should I buy?

    I'm looking for a fish smaller than percula clownfish, yellow or blue coloration, and a mild temper. Any suggestions? Yellowtail blue damsel would be perfect, but I got to see just how aggresive they really are at my lfs.
  8. marting83

    Peppermint Shrimp

    One more question... Since shrimp are scavengers, do they count in the bio-load?
  9. marting83

    Peppermint Shrimp

    Since peppermint shrimp eat uneaten food on the sand bed, they are actually an advantage to an aquarium? Cool!! :D Sorry guys - I meant to post this message in the "Fish Discussion" forum. Oh well, I got my question answered anyway. Thanks!
  10. marting83

    Peppermint Shrimp

    I am considering a couple peppermint shrimp in my new aquarium. What do they require? What do they eat? Good with clownfish?
  11. marting83

    Before adding fish...

    My aquarium is officially cycled. One problem/question... I used, what I thought, pure Ammonia to cycle the aquarium. However, after reading the label on the Ammonia bottle, it has other ingredients besides Ammonia. Listed below are the full ingredients. What do you guys think? Re-do it? I would...
  12. marting83

    Before adding fish...

    My aquarium is officially cycled. One problem/question... I used, what I thought, pure Ammonia to cycle the aquarium. However, after reading the label on the Ammonia bottle, it has other ingredients besides Ammonia. Listed below are the full ingredients. What do you guys think? Re-do it? I...
  13. marting83

    Yes I am a beginner..and I need help..pleezzzzzz

    Your fish... In order as you mentioned them; Three Striped Damsel, Domino Damsel, and Cinnamon Clownfish. Usually, you're supposed to wait about 4-6 weeks before adding fish to allow benificial bacteria to get into your water. This is why you had the ammonia. The tank buddies should work...
  14. marting83

    Why RO water

    Twoods71, you just posted one of my questions for me - "How good is a little $200 RODI filter that I could buy compared to the commercial systems which cost in excess of $1000?" This concern is why I bought 75 gallon of bottled water instead of purchasing the filter for myself. Could you find...
  15. marting83

    HELP Fish not doing well

    I would guess the brown patches on your sand bed are algae stimulated from either the Nitrate or Phosphate, that's just a guess though. If Nitrates and Phosphates have no relation to your ill fish.
  16. marting83

    HELP Fish not doing well

    Undoubtedly, the problem is water chemistry, so I recommend changing 20% of the water. Also, should you be using tap water, increase your dose of declorinater. I'm hesitant to say it's Ammonia though it is a probable cause. Try checking salinity/specific gravity and temperature. Let us know...
  17. marting83

    Why RO water

    Broomer - How interesting. Thanks for the chemistry lesson. As you suggested, I have already used a freshwater high range test kit to test my tap water. The test kit reads 8.8 which is as high as test kit can go. Instead of worrying about the true value of my tap water, let's focus on how...
  18. marting83

    Why RO water

    No, I do not have an RO/DI unit. I had to go to three different stores to buy 75 gallons of water for my new saltwater aquarium. Obviously , I was not able to find one anywhere around here. ---- - what a great idea! Honestly, that's the best Chiclid tank I've seen! Very Nice! Here's my...
  19. marting83

    Why RO water

    10.2 was a calculation. My High Range Test Kit only goes up to 8.8. I know my PH test kit is working correctly becuase I am using Instant Ocean which adjust to PH 8.2 which is what my test kit reports. We must get our water ot of different Systems even though you are only 20 miles from me...
  20. marting83

    Why RO water

    I'm asking about saltwater concerning the RO Water, yet a couple think I shouldn't be using vinegar to reduce PH in my Freshwater, so I'm asking about PH in relation to my freshwater.