Search results

  1. marting83

    Why RO water

    Ah, IC. IRO removes harmful impurities as well as benificial impurities which is why my "Instant Ocean" Synthetic Sea Salt comes with the benificial nutrients? I'm not using vinegar in my Saltwater tank. Like I said, I use Instant Ocean which adjusts the PH for me. Our tap water has a PH of...
  2. marting83

    Why RO water

    Not as if it matters now since I already have the RO filtered water in my tank, but I was wondering, why RO filtered water as apposed to tap water with a declorinator? Are Saltwater fish really that sensitive? :rolleyes: I'm curious because I have been using tap water for my freshwater tank for...
  3. marting83


    So, it looks like low 80's would be good. Thanks Guys!! :) A couple of you mentioned tempature variance. The heater I bought is a Marineland Visi-Therm 300 watt for my 72 bowfront. Good enough?
  4. marting83


    The aquarium is almost done cycling. Before I put any fish in it though, what should the tempature be? I did a search for tempature on this board and discovered they range from 75-85F. I will not have coral for my live rock for probably some time. The fish I would like to get include false...
  5. marting83


    My new aquarium is currently on its third week of cycling via pure Ammonia. How much Nitrate, in PPM, should be in the water when the aquarium finishes cycling and for the life of the aquarium? - 72 bowfront
  6. marting83

    How many fish?

    It's a 20 gallon by Tetra.
  7. marting83

    How many fish?

    Dave, Never has anyone except the people trying to sell the bio-wheel ever had anything good to say about the bio-wheel. Perhaps I should stay away from the bio-wheel. :D Besides, like you, I have been doing FW for a long time too and never used the biowheel either. Here's my FW tank...
  8. marting83

    How many fish?

    Wow, I had no idea. They're such a beautiful fish. I wondered why people only used them for cycling an aquarium. I would be perfectly happy with clownfish. They sort of symbolize saltwater to me. sistrMary - I have not bought my aquarium yet. That is why I am asking about fish. The...
  9. marting83

    How many fish?

    Another one of my freshwater rules that I need coverted to saltwater... In Freshwater, the rule is a 1" fish should have 1 gallon of water (unless heavlity planted) :cool: . Convert that rule to Saltwater please. If it depends on the type of fish, I am primarly looking at percula clownfish...
  10. marting83

    Water Tratment

    I've never used RO filtered water. What chemicals/additives should I treat it with? Obviously I would need an artificial sea salt and something to RAISE PH, but what about the declorinater? Is this needed with RO filtered water? Also, what would you suggest I use to raise/stablaize PH?
  11. marting83

    NEW to the sw world and need help (protein skimmer, uv sterelizer, sump......I'm lost

    Right, the powrhead is to keep the water moving. I don't know why saltwater fish need such a strong current, but most people I have talked to recommend use of powerheads even with a power filter. So I guess it's important :rolleyes: .
  12. marting83

    NEW to the sw world and need help (protein skimmer, uv sterelizer, sump......I'm lost

    Before I start, I should tell you that I don't have a saltwater tank yet. However, being fairly advanced in fresh water, I think I can help... Powerheads are really just fans that sit in the water. They suck water in, and blow it back out - they're just that simple. Here's a link where you...
  13. marting83

    Looking for ideas...

    Well, everybody, you heard him. Please post your pictures!
  14. marting83

    Looking for ideas...

    Does anyone know of a web site with pictures of saltwater aquariums less than 200 gallons? I'm trying to get ideas, i.e. tank size, type of corals, rock formations, and fish
  15. marting83

    ? about Live Sand

    As usual, you guys answered my question perfectly. Thank you so much!
  16. marting83

    ? about Live Sand

    In a fresh water aquarium, usually a good rule is 1 gallon of water = 1 pound of gravel. Of course there are some exceptions such as tall hexagon aquariums. Is there a similar rule that exists for live sand in a saltwater aquarium, or what would you guys recommend? Assume we are talking about...
  17. marting83

    What do I need for Anenomes?

    Anemones sound like a big hassle. The only reason that I was even considering a couple anemones was for the clownfish. If the clownfish can live happily without them, I don't need the trouble myself... at this time. However, when I am comfortable with saltwater aquaria, I may consider a...
  18. marting83

    Live Rocks, Coral, and Sand

    Waterbury Guy, Thanks for the article. That does explain a lot. On the note of biological filtration, I have a particular aquarium in mind. However, after reading other posts by other beginners, I have questions about this aquarium... The aquarium I plan to buy is the MarineLand Eclipse 37...
  19. marting83

    Live Rocks, Coral, and Sand

    My first salt water aquarium - should I purchase any live elements besides fish? What are the advantaged tp live rock, coral and sand? How difficult are they too keep and what devices/treatments do they require?
  20. marting83

    What do I need for Anenomes?

    Thanks guys! You've all answer that question. I'm sure I will have many more questions in the future.