Search results

  1. saltyh20

    Gorgos and pollyps

    Is there any type of tang that would work in a 55? I used to have a yellow and two hippo's. All young, however over christmas we lost electric and along with that heat and so did my fish. I lost my whole tank:eek: So I had to over. Things are running smooth, I just don't know what...
  2. saltyh20

    Gorgos and pollyps

    When I read about gorgos and pollyps, the article normally states that they are agressive to tank mates. What do they do, and how are they aggressive. Personally I think that they are neat. I would like to add them to my tank. What types are good additions, if any. I have a 55 gal, with...
  3. saltyh20

    Battery back up systems?

    I lost power for 5 days I lost every thing. I have electric heat in the apartment and the fish tank. I went ti home depot they do not carry anything like a battery generator. Checked out Radio shackand got the same answer. Where do people get these bakups?
  4. saltyh20

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    Hey I'll add my first post. By the way I can't believe PA. is stupid enough to put Ed Rendell in office again!!!:mad:
  5. saltyh20


    I have two turbo snails that appear to be getting their freak on. Is that what they are doing or is there something wrong with them? They got real close on the side of the tank at the top of the water level. They started to shoot stuff out of the side of their shells. The one started to...
  6. saltyh20

    hippo tang

    I do not have a QT tank set up already. I do have a smaller 10 gal tank I can make a Q/t tank. Should I just add the water from the large tank and put it into the new tank? Also My tank is 4 foot long (55 gal) is that too small?
  7. saltyh20

    hippo tang

    that is what I heard except @ the LFS they said that it would not be a problem
  8. saltyh20

    Advice for Tangs

    I now that I am comming in on this conversation kind of late. I have a question, about one month ago I bought two hippo tangs and a yellow tang and put them all into the tank at the same time. Never had a problem untill last night. I noticed that the one fish is starting to loose some of his...
  9. saltyh20

    hippo tang

    I have 2 hippo tangs both young only about 1 1/2 inches to 2 inches in length. I bought them both at the same time and never had a problem with them. I never saw any aggression between the two. Now all of the sudden the tang is missing some skin on its top fin. One bone is even showing...
  10. saltyh20

    Unexplained Death of Blue Hippo Tang

    ok is there any special brand of the formula 1 and frmula 2 and is lettuce bad idea? Thanks for the info.
  11. saltyh20

    Picture Mania!!!

    EelfreakRobi, how big is that tank. There is awhole lot of tang in that pic. lol Seriously though is that not a large load of fish. The water quality must be good though because I did see some corals in the pic. If that is indeed a small tank what are they using to filtrate the water? I see...
  12. saltyh20

    Unexplained Death of Blue Hippo Tang

    I have 2 hippo tangs and one yellow tang. Everyone gets along and all of them are still young. The two hippos are about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in size and the yellow is about 2 1/2 to 3 inches. I have had these tangs for about 2 months now. All are growing and thriving. I have never fed them any...
  13. saltyh20

    manderine goby

    I have a manderine goby who is a very labile fish. I realize that this is the expected behavior of a manderine goby. Except today I am looking in my tank and I see him swimming all around to the top of the tank and to the bottom. I was told that gobies to jump is he trying to escape and if he...
  14. saltyh20

    diy protein skimmers

    well I have a 55 gal tank with a fluval canister. I don't think that, that is what you are reffering to when you speak of a sump. My tank right now is a FOWLR although possibly adding some inverts and polyps. The skimmer that I have now is a prism and it is not running b/c I don't like it...
  15. saltyh20

    diy protein skimmers

    How would one go about aking a diy protein skimmer and if that is too dificult for the average collector than what is a quality skimmer for a good price??? thanks:confused:
  16. saltyh20

    substrate material

    So i am not sure if I am following you. I have cc as a base should I add sand and live sand to myalready established cc or not. I do hve a slight nitrae problem and I am in the process of removing the bioballs from my fluval canister filter.
  17. saltyh20


    I have mt of the necessary equipment for a reef tank. Although I am not sure if I need anything like powerheads? I have a protein skimmer wich I am not happy with it is a prism. :mad: So I have decided to look on the DIY page and see if I could build one. I get the basic concept its I'm...
  18. saltyh20


    Ok so I am looking at some of the merchandise here at and I am reading about the Ricordia mushrooms and Sea Mat polyps. Acording to the web site these corals are beginner level. Is this true or are they just trying to sell these to some inexperienced soul, one much like myself...
  19. saltyh20

    good fish store in NJ

    Depending on how far you are from Pa you can go to that fish place that pet place. Very big and with lots of fish. I haven't had a problem with anything yet!! It is in Lancaster, Pa
  20. saltyh20

    Sand From The Ocean

    :cool: ok here is a question I was just recently in the dominican republic. There I was able to aquire some rocks from the ocean. It was not reef rock although, it was from the ocean. would it be a bad idea to put this in my tank??