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  1. goldy222

    protein skimmer problem, please help!

    It does't use an air stone. It's a hang on model with venturi. The air for the bubbles comes from the air intake where the water is pumped into the skimmer. He's the description of the skimmer http://www.**************.com/produc...0&pcatid=13910
  2. goldy222

    protein skimmer problem, please help!

    I just bought a new protein skimmer for my 75 gallon tank. It's a Typhoon hang on skimmer. I upgraded from a 30 gallon tank about 1 month ago. Very little foam is being produced. It seems like not enough air is coming in through the air intake valve. I went out and bought a small air pump and...
  3. goldy222

    New Protein Skimmer

    I just bought a new protein skimmer for my 75 gallon tank. It's a Typhoon hang on skimmer. I upgraded from a 30 gallon tank about 1 month ago. Very little foam is being produced. It seems like not enough air is coming in through the air intake valve. I went out and bought a small air pump and...
  4. goldy222

    Lost all my fish to ich

    Great info everyone! I appreciate the help!
  5. goldy222

    Lost all my fish to ich

    great info, I can wait 8 weeks. I'm assuming I Should run my filter and protein skimmer during this 8 week waiting period? protein skimmer was off and filters out during the medication period. What about water changes?
  6. goldy222

    Lost all my fish to ich

    I appreciate the input, the only thing is..... I don't know that I have anything to put in the QT since I currently have no fish.
  7. goldy222

    Lost all my fish to ich

    OK.... my 75 gal got ich after I added a powder blue tang. The only other fish I had was a clown and a cleaner goby who both became infected. I purchased kick-ich and about half way through the medication cycle all my fish were dead. Now, all I have left is LR, coral banded shrimp, and hermit...
  8. goldy222

    New Goby, Help!

    Thanks for the advice. I've had problems with the damsel in the past. I just gave the damsel to the lfs where I purchased the goby. As soon as the damsel left the tank the goby immediately started to tear into the sand. Thanks again!
  9. goldy222

    New Goby, Help!

    I just added an orange spotted goby to my tank and my Blue Damsel is not getting along with the Goby. Besides the goby, my tank includes a blue damsel, yellow tang, and tomato clown. The damsel is the only fish giving it a hard time. The goby is sitting still in the back corner of the tank about...
  10. goldy222

    sand sifter

    I'm having a problem with algae growing on my sand bed and was hoping a goby could turn the sand bed to prevent the growth
  11. goldy222

    sand sifter

    I'm trying to find a fish that's good for sifting through sand in a reef aquarium. I've heard the orange spotted sleeper goby is good for this, but am unable to come across one. Does anyone know of any other goby's or other type fish that would be good for this purpose?
  12. goldy222


    Question about alkalinity. If an aquarium has low alkalinity, is it true that phosphates will rise quickly from fish waste and uneaten food, which in turn will cause algae problems? My understanding is that proper alkalinity levels will help the water absorb waste, so phosphates are kept to a...
  13. goldy222

    water movement for bubble coral

    when the bubble coral is in a spot with more water movement it tends to open up very wide to the point where I can see its mouth clearly, but when it's in an area with less water movement the bubbles tend to stay close together. Which is better for the coral?
  14. goldy222

    red slime sludge

    Many people don't agree with this technique, but it is the only thing that worked for me and I tried everything to get rid of my red slime. I purchased an additive called red slime remover and it totally rid my tank of red slime and it hasn't come back. This was on the advice of my lfs. The only...
  15. goldy222

    Hair algae

    I tried everything to get rid of the slime algea. nothing worked. my levels are good, my fish and inverts are doing well. I'm using r/o water. I just don't like to look of the algae. I contacted a lfs who I trust a great deal and they said the only way to get rid of it is by using an additive...
  16. goldy222

    fish only filtration

    What kind of filtration is needed to start a fish only tank? I'm assuming a protein skimmer and power heads at a minimum. Is live rock, wet/dry, carbon filter also necessary?
  17. goldy222

    red algae

    also how much of the special grade aragonite sand should I use for a 30 gal tank?
  18. goldy222

    red algae

    thanks for the great advice burnspy. currently I'm adding calcium, strontium, and iodine supplements. what kind of food should I feed the coral?
  19. goldy222

    red algae

    would it be a good idea to replace my crushed coral substrate? If so what should I replace it with? If I cut my lighting to 4 hrs a day for a week, will it cause problems with my bubble coral?
  20. goldy222

    red algae

    I have crushed coral gravel about 1 1/2 in deep. I just added a second power head for additional water movement. It looks like the power head is meant to work with an under gravel filter. do you think I should add an under gravel filter to work with the power head?