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  1. bneal

    Any thoughts?

    55 gal Ammonia .025 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 PH 7.8 S.G. 1.021 My tank is going on a year old. I admit no comments... I did not do the best maintenance for a while. I was discouraged with the algae, so I bought a RO unit. The last 4 water changes have been 10% ever 1.5 weeks. I also added a UV...
  2. bneal

    Detctive Work

    I have an inhabitant that likes (or does not) arrow crabs. I had him for about 3 months, and on occasion I would wake up and another leg was missing. Well it is all over now, but I never saw the culperate. Any thoughts. 55 gal No live rock or sand 1 Coral beauty 1 tomato clown (potential...
  3. bneal

    Update: What is this?

    That's fine, no argument here, but did your clown loose scales where the patch or crust was?
  4. bneal

    Update: What is this?

    simm, Beth, newreefers, Again, thanks for the input! Dispite my qt cycle problems, things are improving. My Clown is healing and eating again! But I still do not think it was ick. The "White Crust" is gone, but where it was, he now has no scales. I know Beth, you told me to not use any med...
  5. bneal

    What is this?

    Newreefers That does look like it, like salt deposits. It seems to be flaking off I am not sure though. It appears to be getting a little better. My camera crapped out on me or I would have gotten a better picture. What did you determine it was?
  6. bneal

    What is this?

    Hey Beth, Thanks for responding. I had Carbon in untill thismorning, and I am sure there is not much of anything left. I will put t back in though. There is a "white crust " on his back is that Ick? or fungus. He had Ick little white specks when I put him in, now it is a "crust" Bret
  7. bneal

    What is this?

    I have been doing the garlic thing for 3 days now, i will do daily water changes to keep the water in check.
  8. bneal

    What is this?

    Thanks for the reply, Unfortunatly it is new, and I started it with water from my main tank. By now though, it prob has very little of that water left. Is ammo lock safe to use at this time? I currently have ammochips in the fiter and have nitrasorb if I need it.
  9. bneal

    What is this?

    It is a clown, I thought I said that, I want to know what is on him. And the file size allowed on here won't allow for a clearer pic
  10. bneal

    What is this?

    Two days ago I dropped all my fish into my Hospital tank with what I believed to be ick. The next morn my clown had different symptoms. He has not eaten but shows interest in food, I have treated with coppersafe, malactite green, and hav reached 1.009 salinity. I am gravely concerned. He is...
  11. bneal

    QT Cycle Question

    Thanks, Clarkii That is what I wanted to hear. I did read to add a cup of your substrate, in my case cc. I went ahead and did this becaues they said it is not enough to absorb any meds, and I figure it will help with ph.
  12. bneal

    Problem with siphon for overflow?

    I had this same concern, so I found a Quality batery backup for a computer on sale at a tech store $30. I did some math and my pump is about 25 watts. The battery will run a 300watt computer and 190 watt monitor for about 15 min. If I am right, it should run my pump for over an hour. The...
  13. bneal

    Help! Tang has White Spots!

    I am currently having the same thing happen, only it is a clown that I have had for about 3 weeks. I am positive it is ick and plan to QT/Hypo the whole group. My clown the main issue is letting a CB Shrimp clean him, so at least it is being kept in check whilst I set my QT up. Anyone reading...
  14. bneal

    QT Cycle Question

    Yes, my main has been up for about 3 months. I am acctually setting it up for a hospital right now, and then will use it for qt. My fish have ick, but the worst one my clown is finnaly letting some shrimp clean him up, but I still want to rid my main tank alltogether, so I want to pull all...
  15. bneal

    QT Cycle Question

    If I use %100 water from my main tank, do I need to cycle, and if so, approx how long?
  16. bneal

    What is the best deal for a RO system

    I am looking at an RO unit as well. I am looking at the Kent Barebones 10 gal per day. $75
  17. bneal

    Cost for a 40 gallon setup?

    Did not include fish and inverts. That varies with dealer and what you want. I have about $150 in critters Coral Angel Cinnimon Clown YT Damsel Cleaner shrimp CB shrimp Arrow crab 6 emerald crabs 1 florida condi Had a Maroon clown to small something attacked him and a royal gramma who would not...
  18. bneal

    Cost for a 40 gallon setup?

    I have a 55 gal fish only. Bought the tank from a friend for $75, and I put it together buy it off ----. 10gal sump(Fish tank already have) 2.5 gal bio that sits in the sump and over flow made by the Mfg that makes Kent marine stuff New (----) $80 Large Four campartment canister new in box...
  19. bneal

    Clown Question

    Hey Jakob4001, thanks for the lesson in life. Before assuming what I Do and Do not do, for my tank maybe just a recomendation would be helpful. I did not write for a lecture, I am simply trying to learn and understand. By the way I spent plenty of bucks on a VHO light, and I feed my Anen...
  20. bneal

    Clown Question

    Hey all, that is a lot of good stuff. The reason I picked the Pet store at the time was selling me a Tomato Clown and In all my lack of wisdom, liturature I read said it would like a long tentical anenome. And he was a little larger so he would not be picked on to much. Well he is a Cinnimon...