Search results

  1. fish_dewd

    Calc reactor

    From what I has read, calc reactors use tank water to mix with the calcium and then you add CO2 to reduce ph so the ca++ dissolves. Since the fish tank water is ph 8.2- 8.4, why not just plumb a DIY calc mixing tank with RO/DI water, ph 7.0 and use a float switch in the sump to turn on/off the...
  2. fish_dewd

    Automatic Kalc/ Water change sump

    I would like to automate the kalc/water changer. Will this work? I figure I could add a set amount of Ca++ each week into the Kalc sump and use for top off water. When I do water changes I could add a set amount of salt and let the Kalc sump handle that job as well. Thanks for all that reply. Mark
  3. fish_dewd

    Florida People

    Thank you. Mark
  4. fish_dewd

    Florida People

    I am planning 200gal reef. Tank will be in great room separating the room. Do you need heaters or coolers? Tank will prob get 4 hrs of afternoon sun hitting end of tank. Wife cranks down the A/C, LOL. I wear a sweatshirt in the house.:rolleyes: She keeps it around 70. Thanks for all that...
  5. fish_dewd

    New House, Room Dividing Pre-Planning

    WOW, now that's a tank. I will be looking at a 215 this week and checking dimensions. Good luck, I will break ground on my new house when the plans are done in a couple weeks, I will add the plumbing and electrical needs to the plan as well. mark
  6. fish_dewd

    New House, Room Dividing Pre-Planning

    Link no work:eek:
  7. fish_dewd

    RO/DI and Calcium Generator Hookup

    I am in the planning stage for a 220 gal reef. Is it possible to hook up the RO/DI water to the Ca++ generator and use an automatic replenisher with some type of float valve in the sump? If so, how do I go about setting it up and what RO/DI is recommended and what type of Ca++ gen is...
  8. fish_dewd

    New House, Room Dividing Pre-Planning

    Since I am in florida, the garage will be too hot for the sump and refug. I will be able to put the isolation tanks in the laundry room lol. My wife just doesn't know it yet. :)
  9. fish_dewd

    Quit Smoking!!!!!

    My mother-in-law will probably not see the new year, age 61. Adenocarcinoma right lung unresectable. Smoked 40+ years.:(
  10. fish_dewd

    New House, Room Dividing Pre-Planning

    Ok, here I go again. I am building a new house and planning a room dividing 150-200 gal reef tank. Tank will separate family and dining room. Here is what I plan so far, comments and suggestions? 1. Custom built base by my carpenters, should I use PT lumbar? Height suggestions? Finish...
  11. fish_dewd

    Harvesting Local Sand Off the Beach

    Can I dig up some sand off the beach and use as live sand? it doesn't get any fresher or liver than that:D I live in SW Fl and can get as much as I want. Thanks for all that reply.
  12. fish_dewd

    Harvesting live Rock and sand?????

    Great forum:D My dad does a lot of scuba diving here in SW Florida. He said he can get whatever sand and rock I want. He dives 10- 20 miles out in the gulf of mexico:D :D He can also collect fishes and inverts and corals too. :D The big question is should I use the wild stuff or by from...
  13. fish_dewd

    Bleached rocks safe?

    I went and got rocks for my fish tank to clean them i put them in a 5 gallon paint bucket with some bleach. Then i washed them in fresh water and let them sit over night about 3x. Is it safe to put them in the tank ? Thanks, Fish_Dewd :confused:
  14. fish_dewd

    Tank setup?

    Im thinking of setting up a 100/125 gallon tank can someone tell me the best kind of equipment to get for this sort of setup. Thanks, Fish_Dewd :confused:
  15. fish_dewd

    What kind Of stuff???

    Im thinking of buying a 100 gallon set up what would be the best equipment to buy for this kind of set up ? :confused: