Quit Smoking!!!!!


I see there are a few smokers on here and I know it's hard as hell to quit so I thought it would be easier with a little support. I'm going to quit on DEC 31 and will update my progress every day or two on this post. Anyone that wants to join in please do so. It's tough to do on your own so I thought it would be easier if a few of us did it together. Good Luck!!!


Active Member
Seriously, I hope the mods let you do this. I could deffinitly use the help quitting. Great idea my friend. Thanks for the help!!!!!


u can do it i quit 6 months ago cold turkey,its hard but just go minute by minute and once u get 2 days in u got to much trouble allready invested to give up.
3 packs on july 4

0 packs july 5 and still going......u can do it if i can!!!


I hope the mods don't mind. It is a positive thing. It will show how many people want to quit and how addictive and depressing the habit truly is.
I can help in another way. I can post pictures and personal stories from people who WISH they had quit and didn't until it was too late. Emphysema and lung cancer (depending on the specific type of lung cancer) is just the start and almost always directly attributable to something we do by choice...smoking. We can add peripheral neuropathy, stroke, heart disease, blood clots and so many other things to the list that are exacerbated by smoking. Let me know when temptation is strong and I'll give you a new reason to run from the cigarette every time! :D


It was nine months an counting, then i had one, EEEK count me back in on the 31st This has got to stop an with the support of everyone here we can ALL do it!
I was about to mention that in the new year resolution thread, I dont smoke but I love the idea of everyone joining to stop, sounds real good, and good luck to all, I belive in you guys!


New Member
Any support would be greatly appreciated. I recently ordered a stop smoking kit (patches) from a website. Still waiting for them to arrive. I'm sure my dog will appreciate it. She always goes outside when i light up. You would think I would get the hint.
I'm wondering if you all have the same problem. For some strange reason my computer and car will not start unless i have a cig lit.
Good luck all.

coral boy

Yea it's funny how my car won't start without a cig.
and i can't seem to think without one in my mouth these damm things are running my life. :eek:


hey i agree smoking is bad and i have seen what it can do, i work in home health care. i met alot of people who eventually died from it after we set them up with oxygen and all the other good stuff, but if you want to smoke go right ahead your keeping me in buisness.....lol....... honestly though i do not want to meet any of you who smoke when i come to your house with a oxygen cocentrator and tanks so do yourself a favor and try, and dont stop trying. good luck all
one thing if you are posting on how you have been quitting on smoking, please dont lie, I dont know but I have this image in my mind that one will say I havent smoked in some time and when they are writting that having a cig. We want honesty!


New Member
My mother-in-law will probably not see the new year, age 61. Adenocarcinoma right lung unresectable. Smoked 40+ years.:(


Sorry to hear that fish-dewd. My aunt passed away last year. Hopefully our next generation will be better educated and equipped to fight off the urge of even starting the nasty habit.


I certainly support you all and wish you luck. I'm proud to say that last Dec 31st at midnight I had my last cigarette,after smoking for 40+ years.It's never too late. I was able to do it cold turkey without any "chemical" help,because I was ready to quit.If you are not ready to say that you "used to be a smoker" you will not succeed. Two more days and it's a full year. I can't say that I don't miss it,I would love one right now,but I won't do it.!! Good luck again and I will be here to support you. Remember,the most important thing is that you have to want to do it.


Well I have had my addiction to nicotine for 7 years (chew and cigs). And the past 3 weeks or so I have been "clean". Here is how I have done it and it works, believe me.
Nicorette Gum: 168 peices @$50
7-6-5-4-3-2-1 peices a day respectively.
7 peices for 6 days
6 peices for 6 days
and keep dropping down.
It works out to exatcly 168 peices.
Things that help:
-chew gum for about 10 seconds then place between gumline and cheek. It lastes longer, and then by the end I am chewing it like regular gum.
-Use gum then pop in your favorite kind of gum to mix them both. Your mind will relate the new taste from your fav gum to nicotine. So when you are all done with the actual nicotine gum you mind thinks it is getting nicotine when y ou throw in your favorite gum.
-Change your Neuro-Association with nicotine! What you ask! Here was my old and new neuro associations:
Old: Nicotine=Less stress, relaxation.
New: Nicotine=Tons of $$$ (could be spent on aquaria, family, etc...), bad for my health, control by the nicotine alone, not very pleasant around others, waste of my time getting new packs or cans when I run out.
I have also associate smoking a cigerette to a "gag reflex". And I took a puff of one a couple of days ago, and actually almost did this.
Final note: Try your best to stay away from other people who smoke or chew. It might be hard for some, but you are way better off. AND DO NOT GIVE UP, IT IS VERY ATTAINABLE TO QUIT. JUST NEED DETERMINATION. I THOUGHT I NEVER COULD, THE AMOUNT I WOULD DO EVERYDAY WAS ALOT. AND WELL I FEEL FINE NOW.
I am on my last day of three peices, and I feel great, healthy and enegized. Also I recommend when you get this low in peices per day, to do one after lunch and dinner, "after dinner mint".
If you did not understand some or have any more quetions, DO NOT HESITATE to email me!
Take care!


I dont smoke, but im just wondering wat ever happened to this post. Everyone was so siked about quitting smoking, then noone ever responded.


I know what you mean!! I was hopping to see how everyone is doing??? I don't smoke but I can support them....:D


Active Member
I smoked my first cigarete when i was 6. Since then i was smoking a lot. Especially the last 4 years. 4 weeks ago i decided to quit and i did it. Most of my friends still smoke and i'am always among them. I feel very good without this poison. I say so: if you wanna quit smoking, you should be ready mentally first, then you are ready.