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  1. blue dew

    Torch Dead???

    I had similar problems with a couple Hammer corals, which are in the same family as your Torch. One of them died back almost completly and I thought it was lost. I kept the piece in the tank anyway and after about 6 months it came back. Its not as big as it was, but it is growing. I've heard...
  2. blue dew

    New additions! YAY!

    Very, very nice tank!
  3. blue dew

    feeding a brain...

    I have an Open Brain that I feed pieces of shrimp, mussel or squid. I just chop it up into small pieces and put it on the end of a long bamboo skewer. I can then place it gently into the brains feeder tentacles and it will grab the food. Just have to have the food barely on the skewer. I also...
  4. blue dew

    ID this coral for me please

    Although I am certainly no expert when it comes to coral identification (but getting better), I also think this is a Blue Ridge coral. I have a small piece that my LFS broke off and gave me and it looks very similar. I had it in my old tank under 285 watts VHO and he said to place it in a hole...
  5. blue dew

    the 1k mark for me

    That would explain the "JTI" in your signature. Mine sits way low too, which isn't the greatest thing with the roads here in New Orleans. Great car though. Its got the 1.8T in it too Dew
  6. blue dew

    the 1k mark for me

    Congratulations! I'm slowly working my way there. By the way, I'm guessing you like VW's. I bought one in July (GTI), best time of the day is the ride to work and the (much slower) ride home. Dew
  7. blue dew

    sump with macros?

    Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I don't have a real good diagram, but heres a picture of my modified 29 gallon. I thought about making one outta a 10 gallon too, but decided to upgrade the whole display from a 30 to a 40 Breeder. While you wouldn't get as much benefit from a 10...
  8. blue dew

    sump with macros?

    I combined the Sump and Fuge into one modified 29 gallon and its working very well for me. Divided into 3 sections. First one is for the water entrance, where I also put the heater and may move my hang-on skimmer once I figure out thow to modify it. Second section is the fuge area, with DSB...
  9. blue dew

    Little Nemo - Day 10

    Thanks for the update Bang! Hope the little dude pulls through
  10. blue dew

    Little Nemo - Day 4

    Little dude is looking good! Thanks for the update. Dew
  11. blue dew

    How often do you perform water changes?

    5 gallons every other week on a 40 gallon display with 20 gallons or so in the sump. Probably should do more, but it seems to be working well. I usually let the replacemnt water age for 3-4 days with a powerhead prior to adding it to the tank.
  12. blue dew

    My clownfish is hosting...

    Thats neat! My clowns won't host in anything yet, except the powerheads. I have a nice feather duster similar to that too. maybe one of these days I'll come home and they'll surprise me.
  13. blue dew

    Clownfish Eggs - Day 9

    Cool, Maybe we'll get to see the young ones this weekend.
  14. blue dew

    Which pic has the best chance of winning a contest...

    I think they are all excellent shots, but the Emerald crab with your Hammer is awesome. Dew
  15. blue dew

    Clownfish Eggs - Day 8

    Still think this is one of the best series of posts yet. Can't wait to see those little guys hatch. Dew
  16. blue dew

    Green brain - just got it and it won't eat. :(

    I have one Open Brain Coral and went through a similar thing with the tentacles. I discovered that my coral extends them later on at night/early in the morning. I feed mine when I get up (5am) and the tentacles are all out. Tank is still dark at this time. The other thing I discovered was that I...
  17. blue dew

    reef fish suggestion : favorite fish vote

    I scond the vote for the Six Line Wrasse, awesome little dude.
  18. blue dew

    reef fish suggestion : favorite fish vote

    I second the vote for the Six Line Wrasse, awesome little dude.
  19. blue dew

    is ryebread really banned?!!?

    I noticed the same thing earlier and was wondering what was up, especially since I'd just spent over an hour reading about the "Giant Sponge" from a previous member who is banned. I'd read a reference to the "Sponge" thread this morning and had to check it out. Had to be one of the funniest...
  20. blue dew


    The only place I've seen them is at my LFS.