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  1. killafins413

    I've become desperate for answers...

    My hermit crab kills all of my fish i put in my tank!!! THe fish i have now live perfectly together and never suceed in harming one another but when i add another fish and move everything around my fish adapt but at night my crab roams and kills. He is like a personal assasin for the fish or...
  2. killafins413

    i could us some help

    You are going to find that it should take you a few months to have five fish. You need to space out the amount of fish you grew originally. It is always a good idea to wait off ich but as someone said it is caused by stress and the idea of all your fish entering the tank at once probably caused...
  3. killafins413

    Powerhead confusion

    I got two powerheads (125gph) for my 55 gallon aquarium (not yet set up) and I am hoping for it to become a reef aquarium... would that be enough? Also, has anyone ever heard of an anemone 'garden'? A section of your tank full of anenomes; for your clowns? IF so, do you have any suggestions for...
  4. killafins413


    I am interested in starting a 55 gallon aquariums and I know that there are closeted anenome lovers hidden among us. I am interested in almost making a garded of small sized with mid size length tentacles so that they will almost sway together. (dreamy) But my biggest concern is that I would...
  5. killafins413

    not enough algea

    Go to your library and check on the magazine The Tropical Hobyist (December of 2002) issue... in there there is a thing on how to grow algae... i don't remember what the 'things' (such language) but there are ways to grow algae... sorry if that doesn't help much :(
  6. killafins413

    Hermit Crab Problem

    I have two tanks, a 55 and a 20. Its the 20 that i am concerned about. It has a problem with algae and I do not like to use chemicals in my tank and all the nitrate, ammonia, etc. are all perfect. I usually put in turbo snails but my hermitt likes to eat them, he will tear open the bearier and...
  7. killafins413

    white bugs

    The biggest thing you need to worry about is if you can't determine what they look like, look for very thin tentricles comming off of them. The small form of a Hydra looks like an anthipod (or whatever) and will grow rapdily to destroying your tank. NOt to ruin your belief but becareful...
  8. killafins413

    Water Changes

    In my personal experience, I would think it wise to take out 25 percent of the water once a month; which has worked fine. However for a reef, the chemisty portions MUST BE PERFECT or you may find your prized possesions destroyed. THus, I would recommend taking out a 5 to 10 percent water change...
  9. killafins413

    Live Sand??

    Ighty, well i would recomend using one bag live sand and the rest dry; depending on your tank. For, soon the 'dead' sand may turn into live sand; thus meeting your ultimate goal... now if you use live rock than don't bother with live sand. The same thing will happen either way... if you have...
  10. killafins413

    Lost And Confused

    Alrighty, i have a 20 gallon marine and m interested in setting up a 55 gallon reef. I have two 125gph power heads, will that be enough? Also... what kind of lighting would I use... I am interested in having almost an anemone garden where i can attempt to breed clownfish (but i doubt my...
  11. killafins413

    Read any good books lately?

    Alrighty, there are a few different groups of books; in my eyes. For starters, there are books on how to set up a marine/reef aquariums, some that are about the fish/invertebraes, some dedicated to maintaning these world creations, and then there are the mainstream all of the above books where...
  12. killafins413


    I have a 20 gallon marine aquarium and so far its been succesful; except for the fact that the fish gang up on other fish... but this is not about that. Alrighty, I recently got a 55 gallon tank and am interested in making this aquarium into a reef marine aquarium. I have thoughts of fish from...
  13. killafins413

    Starting a Reef Aqarium

    Alright, to make things simple for those who wish to help me. I have a 55 gallon aquarium and am having trouble finding what I need to make this into a reef aquarium. I have talked to numerous people and they ALL TOLD ME DIFFERENT ANSWERS, but they also all told me to post this question on your...