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  1. sharkshooter88

    tessata eels

    Are these eels easy to keep? i would like to get one could anyone give me some info on keeping/feeding them.
  2. sharkshooter88

    Banded Cat Shark Ate Already!!!

    thats great!!! i hatched one and it never ate... i have had atleast 3 of them and i have only had one of them eat and continue to eat!!! good luck with your new pet!!:D
  3. sharkshooter88

    moray eels

    I have a 9 inch clown trigger and a 4 inch pork. puffer. I dont think either would get picked on
  4. sharkshooter88

    Feeding triggers

    i feed my triggers (clown and bursa) a frozen that i get at my lfs called trigger and wrasse formula. they are the only fish in the tank that go for it and they seem to like it.
  5. sharkshooter88

    moray eels

    What are some good eels that are easy to keep and would live in a 125??:confused:
  6. sharkshooter88

    most aggressive trigger

    I have an 8" clown trigger and he can be pretty mean sometimes and then he can also be pretty calm sometimes to. I guess he just like a
  7. sharkshooter88

    clown trigger pics

    a picture of my 8 inch clown trigger is attacthed
  8. sharkshooter88

    post your eel pics

    Here are some pictures of my green moray. He is about 28 inches long.