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  1. steve kim

    Input needed on fish selection

    240gallon I will put some large angel Even 2 of them I will go for Majestic and BlueFace lol or Emperor with Queen Angels from Different Family
  2. steve kim

    need a new protein skimmer, what one?

    I Am using ETSS Evolution 500 for right now it is doing ok but I think Aeroformer is good skimmer like Aeroformer624 my friend has one for his 150 gallon reef tank works great with Gen-X pump Originally posted by fishy88 i have a 160 gal fowlr. my old one broke and i what a different kind. what...
  3. steve kim

    Aggressive set up

    1690 Gallon with Good size Undulated Trigger, Clown Trigger and Queen Trigger Queen Trigger is the largest and they are all over 10 inche long he is wondering if he can put 3 Gray Smoothhound sharks with spotted stringray would this will be ok? or they are going to get kill by triggers?
  4. steve kim

    Blue Leg Hermit and Cleaner Shirmp

    Today 3 Blue leg hermit crab jumped on Cleaner shirmp and ate him hermit crab was 80 cents each and cleaner shirmp was $20 that really pissed me off I still have Blood fire shirmp I hope he doesnt get jump and I have 2 Large Hermit crab about 3 inche long should I take them out?
  5. steve kim

    Angel Question

    My friend has Emperor Angel, Blue Face Angel, Majestic Angel, Blue Regal tang, Purple Tang, Blue Jaw Trigger, 2 wrasse, Mandarin goby in his 150 Gallon fish only tank I am thinking about getting Majestic Angel for my 90 gallon tank which Emperor Angel is already in there I like to take out a...
  6. steve kim

    Black Percula!!!

    I bought one from RMS LFS for $13.99 Originally posted by travis truman ive never heard of one before but check this out GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE
  7. steve kim

    Maroon Clowns with Trigger

    In my 55 Gallon tank I had Pink tail trigger with Niger Trigger I just added Maroon clown can they live together with out any problem?
  8. steve kim

    Can this things can live together?

    I changed some fish today 90gal fish tank with 20 gallon sump wet/dry + ETSS Evolution 500 Protein skimmer cap 2200 for return pump and RIO 3100 pump for skimmer hang on filter, Aquaclear 802,301 for water circulation 40lbs L/R and 2 Sebae Clowns,2 Percular Clowns,Emperor angel, Powder blue...
  9. steve kim

    Majestic Angel

    Can he go with Emperor Angel? I have a Emperor and Flame
  10. steve kim

    anemone question

    Pink Tip Hatain is pretty easy to keep but you should watch out because my Pink tip ate my Juv. Emperor angel try Sebae anemone they are nice and peaceful and will host most clown fish Originally posted by Kyle Wyckoff are anemones very hard to keep? because i want to get a "pink tip haitian"...
  11. steve kim

    Mixing Clownfish

    Originally posted by pufferfreak I have a tank-raised false percula in my reef tank right now, my buddy is going to buy some fish online and wanted to buy a black and white tank raised false percula do you think I will have no problems with them also do you think they will hang out or will they...
  12. steve kim

    My Filteration

    My 90 Gallon fish tank with Aquaclear Aquatic 125g wet dry filter with ETSS Evolution 500 Skimmer,and one hang on filter ETSS with RIO 3100 and Return pump for cap 2200 Aquaclear 802 and 301 for water circulation.. Right now 40lbs L/R, 4 clown fish(1.5 inche) Emperor Angel (4 inch), Flame Angel...
  13. steve kim

    Powder Blue tang

    I have a 90 Gallon F/O Tank with 40lbs live rock, 4 clowns,Emperor Angel,Flame Angel and Powder blue tang I am adding Blue hippo & Purple tang would they live together? In my 75 Gallon tank I have Sailfin & yellow and purple and they are doing great..