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  1. brianp

    pics of 90 gallon or above reefs

    man you guys have some sweet tanks. I only dream to have one like yours. I love reef tanks and would leave my wife:rolleyes: ( LIKE SHE WOULD LET ME):p just to have one.heheheheheh
  2. brianp

    tank upgrade

    I would do that and keep a close eye on the water quality of the water that is taken out of your old tank. I would do this though since you are using water that you are taking out of your old tank I would put also 5 gallons of fresh salt water in with every 10 gallons of old salt water to help...
  3. brianp

    tank upgrade

    do you have live rock or live sand?
  4. brianp

    What is this anyone?

    it looks like some sort of sponge starting to grow. What ever it is it looks very nice. I love the color.
  5. brianp

    Tank Size?

    yeah but I can not find what it is. I know that in my size tank that a dead snail or two will rise the ammonia. I will continue to do water changes at a regular bases so that it will hopefully bring down the ammonia. I am also thinking about changing my subtrate to live sand.
  6. brianp

    Tank Size?

    I only have a maroon clown and a royal gramma for fish and an open green brain and a green mushroom rock.
  7. brianp

    Tank Size?

    I do not have a deep substrate in my aquarium. Do you think that might be the problem. Should I change over to live and dead sand and if so how deep should aim for?
  8. brianp

    Tank Size?

    Hello everyone sorry i have not been online for a while. I have a skimmer and it is working and my tank is not new it is about a year old. You would think that it is recyleing but everthing else is not rising. Not even my ammonia it just stayes at about .25 ppm. I took out a toadstool and an...
  9. brianp

    Tank Size?

    Hello everyone, I have a 30 gallon reef tank and I am have problems keeping the water quality the way it is to be. I do considerable water changes and still the ammonia will not go away. I have high filtration on my tank but it just seems to linger at .25 ppm. I wonder is it because of the size...
  10. brianp

    Do I REALLY need a skimmer??

    I have to side with Josh. You cannot over skim your tank. I have a skimmer that has a 200 gallon copacity. I love it when ever there is and increase in algae and i clean my tank in less than a couple of hours the cup is full of free floating algae. I have been adding nutrients and supplements...
  11. brianp


    I have a 30 gal tank.
  12. brianp


    Hey guys I just got off the phone with a guy at my Pet store and I was asking about changing my filter location. I have a HOT Magnum canister filter and it hangs on the tank. I want to move it to under the tank or build a sump for my tank and put the skimmer and all underneth my tank so that I...
  13. brianp

    Damaged Leather

    Hey I did not know that. So you think that I could cut it and have frags to place in different places in my tank. That would be cool. Please tell me how to do that and what to use. Please suggest a way to attach the pieces to other pieces of my live rock. I will concentrate on my water...
  14. brianp

    Damaged Leather

    My test the last time i did them was this: PH-8.2 Amm.-.25 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-10 Phos.-0 It is strange becaouse the little polyps never came out until the darn thing was rippid in half by my power head. The top looks healthy but that is all that is there. It does not have a stalk to it anymore.
  15. brianp

    Damaged Leather

    Hey guys thank you for your participation in my pole. I still need some advice on what to do with my toadstool. The top of it is just there I do not know if it is going to die or not. I thought it would have by now but it has not.
  16. brianp

    Damaged Leather

    Hey guys it is me again. Man i am having the wierdest time with this toadstool. I have not purchased any other corals because of this thing. You will not believe what has happened. I was blowing of the top of the toadstool one morning and then I started to blow out the live rock that was...
  17. brianp

    brain color

    You should check where you have the brain in the tank. You may need to put it highier in your tank so that it can get more light. Target feeding will help but be carefull not to over feed it. Also when i first bought my brain it closed an the color faded for a few days and then opened up to a...
  18. brianp

    Bubble Tip

    Ok so i should have about 150 watts of light. Hmmmmmm...... I saw a to 96 watt light fixture but the are the square pin setting which makes the bulbs more expensive. I will check the website and see if they have good lighting setups. I did not know that you was supposed to feed it. How do i do...
  19. brianp

    Bubble Tip

    It has been down for about 5 months. It looks healthy but just small. I cannot figure it out. Also it is on the dark side of my tank instead to the bright side. On the dark side there is more actinic blue than daylight. I did that to accomdant a wider range of coral such as mushrooms and bubble...
  20. brianp

    Bubble Tip

    Hey i have a bubble tip and it was a nice size but now it is very small and it is not getting any bigger. What can i do to enduce some growth?