Search results

  1. snorman24

    Sick Trigger, HELP!

    I have 3 tanks set up in my house so I took 10 gallons from an established tank for the QT and used copper. Beth, do you have any other ideas what it could be?
  2. snorman24

    Sick Trigger, HELP!

    HELP! I have a Niger Trigger that I have had for roughly 3 years. This last weekend my wife and I added a new fish to the tank that died within 24 hours. About a day after the new fish died I noticed that my trigger had what appeared to be the first signs of ICH. I havent had any problems out...
  3. snorman24

    Stars and Stripes Puffer?

    Well then why is it that I cannot find anyone online selling them. I try my local fish store and they never have any. Then I FIRST look here and nothing. Then I check other online websites and they dont have any. Where can I find one? A friend of mine is wanting one and we arent having any luck
  4. snorman24

    Stars and Stripes Puffer?

    My fish store has a puffer by the name of stars and stripes. When I look online I cannot find this type of puffer anywhere. Has anyone heard of a puffer called this and if so, what other types of names does this puffer go by??
  5. snorman24

    Algae in Agressive

    Niger, Pork, and Sailfin Tang. I have never tried the long scrapers. I think I will try it.
  6. snorman24

    Algae in Agressive

    How does everyone keep their algae under control with aggressivr set-ups. I have the worst time trying to keep the algae under control on the glass, but my main problem is the algae that grows in the corners and on the sand line. Does everyone else have this problem and if so, how do you...