Search results

  1. mikeyfish

    PC Retro fit system for sale in PA

    I have the folowing lighting system for sale. 2 36" dual 96 watts electronic Current Sunpaq ballast. ( The two separate ballast can give you the ability to have the dusk to dawn effect. This system gives you total wattage of 384. 4 Refletors and 2 lamp harness for the bulbs 2 Dual Attinic...
  2. mikeyfish

    120 gallon AGA for Sale in PA

    Hey Rgmason , Tank is still for sale. Call me if interested...
  3. mikeyfish

    120 gallon AGA for Sale in PA

    Hi again, I just noticed on my original post that I said this tank is 72 inches long. Well that is a typo the 120 gallon tank that is for sale is 60 inches long. Sorry for the confusion. The tank is made by Perfecto. Thanks, Mike
  4. mikeyfish

    120 gallon AGA for Sale in PA

    Hi everyone.. Yes the tank is still for sale email me at if your interested or call 610-639-4028. I actually bought a new 90 gallon so this is the reason I am selling this tank. It is only 1 year old. I recently moved so my space is not big enough for 60 inches. Thanks, Michael
  5. mikeyfish

    90 Gallon Oceanic Reef Ready set up

    I am interested in buying this RR tank. Does anyone have the Oceanic's RR tanks. I would appreciate any feedback and opinions on this tank before I make a final decision. I am going to have Fish, Rock with some coral. Thanks, Michael
  6. mikeyfish

    120 gallon AGA for Sale in PA

    Hi there, I posted a few weeks ago and sold my live rock really fast using this board, so now I decided to sell my tank and buy a new one in a few months. I have a 120 gallon Perfecto AGA tank and black wooden cabinet which also includes a double strip light fixture. Everything is on sale for...
  7. mikeyfish

    Moving...Live Rock, Fish, Wet Dry etc for sale

    Sorry I haven't answered in this thread but I been getting a lot of emails and phone calls. As of now The live Rock and fish have been sold and should be picked up tonight(Friday). If the deal fails I will post again. If your interesting in pricing please email me at Thanks.
  8. mikeyfish

    Moving...Live Rock, Fish, Wet Dry etc for sale

    My correct email addres is Please email me there for the prices.
  9. mikeyfish

    Moving...Live Rock, Fish, Wet Dry etc for sale

    Hello, I'm moving next week and my tank will be taking apart. I am taking some time off from saltwater so the following items are for sale. 75 lbs of live Rock 2 clown fish, which have been my tank for over 2 years. 1 shrimp which I have over 1 year crabs and snails I also have a 48 inch 130...
  10. mikeyfish

    Majestic Angel Problem!

    Thanks for all the responses. My majestic is actually coming out in the open more, but still darts when I approach the tank. He is not eating though mostly because he is behind the rocks when I approach the tank to feed. I have a small Hippo Tang who is very active and a small Salfin Tang also...
  11. mikeyfish

    Majestic Angel Problem!

    My water conditions are very good, my tank is up for about 6 months. I have a 120 gallon thank with a Hippo Tang, Salfin Tang, 2 clowns and sixline wrasse. I just purchased a Majestic Angel yesterday, I have been watching this fish for a few weeks in the pet store, the fish was swimming and...
  12. mikeyfish

    Powder Blue or Regal Tang

    Hey Jwtrojan44, I was thinking about getting the Emperor angel a month ago and you advised me against that too. Thanks for the advice. That's why I ask. So what other bigger Fish could I get with the Yellow Tang? So far I have the clowns and six line... So it will be 2 clowns 1 six line 1...
  13. mikeyfish

    Powder Blue or Regal Tang

    thanks for the replies....I see you have really large tanks. Is a 120 gallon to small for a Powder Blue?
  14. mikeyfish

    Powder Blue or Regal Tang

    I have a 5 foot 120 gallon tank with 2 clown fish and a six line wrasse. I want either a Regal Tang or a Powder Blue Tang. I am looking for opinions and experiences on both fish. I had a 55 gallon tank for over a year and had great experience with that tank and the fish in there. I have about 75...
  15. mikeyfish

    Stocking a new 120 tank

    Thanks for the repsonses... Yes Razor EqX the trigger is looking for a good home. I have him for a 4 months, the fish is about 3 inches and he's a beauty. I just don't think he would go with my future fish, Angels, Tangs, Too much waste and I know Angels need perfect water conditions. If you or...
  16. mikeyfish

    Stocking a new 120 tank

    Thanks for all your input, I think I am going with the two angels, The Emperor and the Flame. How will these two angels get along in this tank? Can I look for a smaller Emperor with adult coloration. What size do you think I can find with adult coloration?? About 4-5 inches. I have plenty time...
  17. mikeyfish

    Stocking a new 120 tank

    Thanks jwtrojan44 for the response. I honestly want the Emperor Angel. I was thinking about buying a 5 inch Emp. Angel and put it in my tank 6 months from now. How long do I have before the Angel outgrows the tank? I was hoping to get 3 years before I have to upgrade to a 200 gallon tank. Is 10...
  18. mikeyfish

    Stocking a new 120 tank

    Hey it's been awhile since I posted, but I am finally upgrading from my 55 gallon tank to a 120 gallon tank. The tank will be FOWLR, wet dry filter and sand. Right now I have 2 clowns a niger trigger and a yellow tang. I am getting rid of the trigger and moving the clowns and Yellow Tang to the...
  19. mikeyfish

    Green Chromis from

    Yeah it has to be $75, I just ordered a bunch of inverts also. You could get a lot of stuff here for $75 and you save on shipping.
  20. mikeyfish

    Aqua C Remora skimmer problems

    Hi all, I just wanted feedback on this skimmer. I replaced my crapy prism around 8 days ago with the remora skimmer and this thing isn't any better!! Does it take a long time to break in. It is as loud as the prism and produces sooo many microbubbles that's it's driving me nuts. People who use...