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  1. piskiesplace

    Plant on a Rock Question

    It is red, sounds like I might have my hands full. I only have one fish in my tank as of now and it is a tomato clown. My neighbor is wanting some of it, that is why I was asking about splitting it I guess she will just have to wait for it to start growing. Thank you
  2. piskiesplace

    Plant on a Rock Question

    I just got a Plant on a Rock and wanted to know if it can be split, if so can someone tell me how to do it. Thank you
  3. piskiesplace

    What will eat brissel worms?

    Thank you all for you help
  4. piskiesplace

    What will eat brissel worms?

    I started out with a few brissel worms and now I have hundreds of them and would like to get them under some kind of control. What can I get to eat them? I have a 65 gallon.
  5. piskiesplace

    metallic green mushrooms

    Thank you for all your help!!
  6. piskiesplace

    metallic green mushrooms

    I heard that I needed to use super glue to attach the muchroom to a new rock. Is this true? Can I use the same method for xena's?
  7. piskiesplace

    metallic green mushrooms

    I want to know if it is possible to split a metallic green mushroom and if so I can I do this.I have 10 mushrooms on this one rock and they will not fall off. I need help PLEASE