metallic green mushrooms


New Member
I want to know if it is possible to split a metallic green mushroom and if so I can I do this.I have 10 mushrooms on this one rock and they will not fall off. I need help PLEASE

bang guy

Have a sharp pair of sissors ready, take the rock out of the water, hold it upside down and snip off the mushrooms that are dangling as close to the rock as you can.
The part left on the rock will grow a new top and the top you snipped off will attach to another rock.

salty jeff

Hey Bang Guy,
I've been wanting to do this for a while and if you don't mind I have a few questions for you.......
Can you split all mushrooms like this?
How do YOU attach the cut piece to a rock? I thought about using fishing line....
If all the water readings are excellent how long does it take to grow a new top on the base you cut the top off of?
After you cut them and attach them where in the light spectrum do you place them? I heard once before frags need more light then the established ones.
Thanks for any info,

bang guy


Originally posted by Salty Jeff
Can you split all mushrooms like this?

No. Many of the larger rock-hugging Mushrooms like Green Hairy, and Ricordea suffer significant casualties when propogated in this manner.
How do YOU attach the cut piece to a rock? I thought about using fishing line....

I set it on a rock in a calm part of my refugium. A tray of warm tank water would work equally well.
If all the water readings are excellent how long does it take to grow a new top on the base you cut the top off of?

Depends on the type of mushroom. about 2 weeks, twice that for "True Blue", half that for Reds.
After you cut them and attach them where in the light spectrum do you place them? I heard once before frags need more light then the established ones.

Doesn't matter. They can quickly acclimate to reasonable light levels.

bang guy


Originally posted by Salty Jeff
So you have done it to green and red mushrooms with success?

Many many many times.


New Member
I heard that I needed to use super glue to attach the muchroom to a new rock. Is this true?
Can I use the same method for xena's?

bang guy

Super glue sometimes works... not always. Bridal veil wrapped around the rock will work, so will sewing them to the rock with fishing line.
Xenia just can't be glued IMO... far too much slime.


I've never had success gluing mushrooms to rocks. I always use the bridal veil method, they never fail to attatch in a few days. I also use this method for my xenia. I've never been able to get them to stay put due to the slime, just like Bang Guy said.