1 inch of fish per gallon


New Member
GOOD NEWS! :) In our new tank everything is stabilized and has been for days now and my lion looks great! He is eating the krill, only one piece however, right out of our hands. I asked how to hand feed him and I was told that if you stick your hand in the tank and his spines lay down then he can probably be hand fed, I thought that was funny :joy: because I was noticing the other day that when you sit by the tank his spikes go down and he is just soaking up your attention, poor little guy was stuck in the fish store and now hes SO happy! :) I plan on getting him some white shrimp, anout the same as ghost shrimp but they are sw shrimp so they can either live in the tank or in another sw tank used only for them, they also readily breed, so maybe we will get lucky! :) Well I emailed a vet, sw specialist a few days ago and I have came to find out that in a sw tank you can add 1 inch of fish :happyfish per 1 gallon of water, :scared: This was something very new that I havent heard anyone on this site say. I am not planing on doing this but i figured everyone would like to know what they said. I have also been reading alot
and the books I have read said 1 fish per 10 gallons to start with then as the tank matures 1 per 2 gallons. Were going to wait a while before we add anything else and when we do it will probably be something small, probably a starfish to clean the glass. Just wanted to give an update and share the knowledge.


Everywhere that I have ever read says 1 inch of saltwaterfish per 5-10 Gallons. I would not push my luck. Freshwater is 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon of water.


Active Member
Right, of course thats mature age not size of fish added now. Example- 5 engineer gobies ina 10 gal. They may be 1-2" now but will grow to about 6-8". Always look at the final size of the fish added to help judge. HTH.


Active Member
Let's not get into the inch per gallon discussion. There are so many long threads about it that go into detail. The vet is wrong, but beyond that, it's really tough to say and a lot of it depends on the types of fish that you are putting in the tank.
Originally Posted by Starr
GOOD NEWS! :) He is eating the krill, only one piece however, right out of our hands. I plan on getting him some white shrimp, anout the same as ghost shrimp but they are sw shrimp so they can either live in the tank or in another sw tank used only for them, .
If your lion is eating krill, why are you trying to wean it onto live food??????


New Member
he does not like the krill, he only eats one piece and if fed two he spits it out, plus white shrimp would be a snack or treat if you will that he will enjoy and we will enjoy watching


Active Member
Please please please....
Do NOT stock to that level.
And PLEASE do NOT get a starfish to clean the glass! They are quite delicate, have special needs (eg VERY GOOD WATER CONDITIONS AND A MATURE 6 MONTH OLD TANK!!!), and in general DO NOT clean glass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also if you are going with other predators please note that many naturally EAT seastars. Certain seastars will be doomed in a young, non reef tank.
Please please please I can only beg you to do a lot of research. We are not trying to sell you things, only help you to enjoy the hobby and save money and animals!!!