10 Gallon Sump Saga


Yeah no bubbles. Sump is working just fine now. I have been using polyfill between the baffles and completely bubble free.
Just did a water change today and will try another one end of week.
My parameters are as follows:
PH: 8.3
trates: 0
trites: 0
Phosphates: 0
Calcium 340
KH: 8
I have since dosed my calcium up to 400 or so. However calcium was in the 340 range prior to the sump being added and corals were doing ok. I posed pictures of the corals in the LPS forum today if you want to look at them over there. My loco lobo is doing great as is my open brain and leather toadstool. So i cant figure out why or how the frog and hammer are suffering so badly. I honestly seem the both being dead in a week or less. Frustrating as before they were doing ok. almost as if i shouldnt have even bothered with a sump.