10 gallons enough?


I hear ya bro. All I know is keep seeing what people have to say and decide what you think. There is only one way to see what works and what doesnt.


i hear you on the money thing. believe me it took many years to get to where im at now. purple psudos are kinda mean, i have one in my tank and i cant catch him to save my life. cool looking fish though


Originally Posted by ReefRobert
NEreef, what is your way of putting fish in a tank

different fish produce different amounts of waste, and fish have different needs. some fish are wider and shorter, while others are longer and skinier. some eat meatier foods which requires the tank to be better filtered. some fish need lots of rock to feed on (mandarins, dwarf angels), some need hiding places within rockwork (eels), and some need swimming space (tangs).
what's important is "can the fish's needs be met by the system?"


Originally Posted by Tangy-Tang
I hear ya bro. All I know is keep seeing what people have to say and decide what you think. There is only one way to see what works and what doesnt.
yeah i think im gonna go with the watchman and the court jester goby and see what happens from there. thanks for all the advice though realy appreciate it guys
! i'll keep you guys updated about what happens and post some pics eventually. later


acclimate the court jester for a long long time. i lost a few, seems like they are very sensitive fish


i gotcha! i heard that it also takes a long time for them to feel comfortable in a tank and they will be hidden or won't move from a corner till they are ready.


no dont get both those fish you can get 2 one inch for a 10 gallon fish 1inch of fish per 5 per gallon for fish those each get to be about 3 inches i would get a clown fish or two just to be on the safe side


Active Member
Originally Posted by slappy
do yourself a favor, get atleast a 30 gal. i started with a 10, then a 20, then 30 and now im up tp a 54 corner. your gonna want to get more and more for your tank and running out of room sucks. my 54 has been up for a little over a year and i already want to upgrade to a 90 corner. also ive found the bigger the tank the easier it is to keep heathy. good luck with what ever you decide
Talking about upgrading tanks, I started out with a 50 corner hex FW, 2-29 FW, 46bow Aggressive SW and 55 Reef/with 10g sump/fuge. I just got my 90G bowfront RR with 30g sump/fuge pretty much cycled. We're combining ALL the FW into 75g tank and upgrading the 46bow aggressive tank to a 75g RR with a sump, then I'll be thinking about upgrading my 55 to a 75g starfire(sp?) eurobrace RR tank. If we move, then it would upgrade to a 125+ tank instead of 75's. :happyfish


I started out with a 75. I'm looking at and planning a 290 (72 x 30 x 31). :jumping:
... or a 280 (72 x 36 x 25). Can't deside. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
I would NOT put a clown in a 10! They like to swim!
ALL fish likes to swim, if that's the case, they shouldn't make 10 gallons! Clowns do well in nano tanks, JMO. :happyfish

sinner's girl

and if they like to swim, shouldn't they be given the room to swim in?
Nanos are great for shrimp, crab, and coral, leave fish out of them (my opinion, which I'm allowed)


they dont swim much if you have an anemone he will be thrilled and stay in there


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
ALL fish likes to swim, if that's the case, they shouldn't make 10 gallons! Clowns do well in nano tanks, JMO. :happyfish
You ever go to your LFS or a Walmart and see a 4 inch beta in a 4 inch fish bowl?!

Just because they make them, doesn't mean they should be used!


Originally Posted by NEreef
different fish produce different amounts of waste, and fish have different needs. some fish are wider and shorter, while others are longer and skinier. some eat meatier foods which requires the tank to be better filtered. some fish need lots of rock to feed on (mandarins, dwarf angels), some need hiding places within rockwork (eels), and some need swimming space (tangs).
what's important is "can the fish's needs be met by the system?"
Ok, that all good, I did research for 1 year before setting up a 20 gal, plus a 90 gal mega flow system that I am working on, Also eyeing a 210 gal.
The point is that maybe arsen_36 should have done more research, I undersand what you are saying, its not a bad rule to use, maybe a general rule that you can fuge a little.


If you want something aggresive for your 10 Gal that doesnt need any more room than that, Buy a Mantis Shrimp. Nothing is more aggresive and he is better off alone.