10 gallons enough?


OK, coming in on the tail end of this-time for bed-Being a mother, I empathise with your
situation and the limiations.
Why dont you set up an interesting tank specifically for one or two inhabitants and make them 'wet pets'
with a sand bottome, you could put in one of the shrimp gobies with a pistol shrimp buddy. The objective is they would buddy up in the same sand burrow and give you some real entertainment when you feed them. This is such an interesting relationship and often gets lost in large tanks with scads of live rock.
This would be a great start for you. Sand bed, a few pieces of rock, your goby and shrimp-both available on line.
Nothing else in the tank
ha ha-just check out the other thread on this topic from today for responses to that.
A month or so down the road, you could add another fish to your tank for the upper water column-the psuedochromis would actually be perfect! Or one of the small damsels.
Good luck!


thanks for the adivce granny! that was.... uh pretty helpfull actually :thinking: ! i already have the purple pseudo in my tank though and i was looking for two fish that can keep him company. sorry if i wasn't specific in the begining
. but yeah i'm gonna post some pics tomorow and you guys can tell me what im doing wrong


10 gallon is such a small tank. I have a 20 with a 10 gallon sump and it is just too small. I do like the pistol shrimp and watchman gobie idea. The yasha hase and the barbarshop gobie stay really small and would be good choices. I am actually looking for a pair now myself!


Originally Posted by arsen_36
forget it man! im just gonna go with a yelow watchman goby, a red spotted hawkfish, and a purple whatever chromis dottyback. the best way to learn is experiance! i'll tell you how it goes.

That's Great. You rather kill a fish then learn from others mistakes. Before you invest your hard earned money on fish that will not survive in your 10 gallon tank, you should get a tank that meet the so called requirements of the fish you wish to have. There are alot of people here that have alot of experence in aquariums. A a good book will help you out.


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
We can't email on here for some reason...
And we can't post links...
Do a search for Drs. Foster and Smith