$10 toadstool frag


Active Member
I know this thread is being brought back from a while, but I just thought I would show how well my frag is turning out...
to thejeweler


Hello everyone I shipped frags on tuesday not monday, so everyone should receive them thursday, friday at the latest. Please P.M. me and let me know you recived your frag and it is doing ok.


Originally Posted by thejeweler
Hello everyone I shipped frags on tuesday not monday, so everyone should receive them thursday, friday at the latest. Please P.M. me and let me know you recived your frag and it is doing ok.
Just wanted to say got 2 two weeks ago .Real happy with and like to say nice frag for the money.Thanks,Gary


Originally Posted by thejeweler
Hello everyone I have a toadstool frags for $10. They are about 2 in tall and the tops of them are about the size of a 1/2 dollar piece. All the frags are attached to a 1in by 1in piece white marble. They are about 3mo old. My first coral was a toadstool about the same size, now he the size of a basket ball, and needs to be trimmed/fragged every 2 mo. Im sorry for no pics any questions feel free to call me. 502-231-285. By the way Iwill ship them in a 2 day priority mail box, Its only $5 so a totall of $15 for a new frag thats not bad. These frags are very hardy they will make the shipping no problem I have shipped them in the past. For some crazy reason they dont I will return ur money, or send you another.
I would like a piece of that how do we go about this?
Rusty um i have no clue about how to pm you so i was wonderin if you could answer a few questions for me could you ship to nebraska?


Hello everyone its monday morning. Im shipping several frags out this morning, I had a couple that didnt make it, last week and reshipping them out as well. Please let me no when you recieve them and how they look. I have no problem rehipping at no cost to you, if the toadstool doesnt make the trip.
hi its jake i was asking if you still had any earlier and i was wondering if you still have them or if they are all gone?pm me if you do. jranddr2012hotmail.com thanks agin


Did you get my PM? I never received the coral after the payment was made. Please get back to me about this.


Im sorry you didnt recieve your frag last week. I use 2 day priority mail( it is cheaper) I have no way of traking the box. Its no big deal ,I just put another one in the mail for you monday morning. I shipped out 6 last monday and 3 had problems with. So if anyone out there dosent get there frag just let me no. This is not my business im just a hobbiest like you.


Cool, thanks, USPS isn't alwasy the best. it does make you wonder were a stinky piece of coral is sitting though. probably smelling up the back of some postal truck somewhere.
Thanks for shipping out another one!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
are these algae dependent? like do they need nice lighting?
Yes, toadstools do rely on zooxanthellae (the algae that responds in photosynthesis), however, you do not need a very high-light system from my knowledge. Moderate lighting should do it

What are you running?


These little frags are good. I got one home about two weeks ago and it's already almost doubled in size. $15 can't go wrong.