10gal nano start


New Member
ok so my first thread went downhill because everyone kept saying to go with a biocube and i dont like that tank so anyways the biocube is sold now so dont worry about that next I want to start a 10 gallon reef tank with only low light stuff nothing sps or anything like that. Heres what i got
10 gallon tank
modified hob filter
powerhead/filter with carbon its a in tank filter with a real strong output
flouresent lights 1 10k bulb 1 atanic 15w ea
50w heater
fish net
test kit
items i know i need
live rock/ base rock mixing both so its cheeper
10lbs live sand
2 false percula clownfish
tank stand
any tips will be highly appciated. I am on a budget so im not going up and beyond on things all on keeping it SIMPLE. thanks will have pics as i do things


Active Member
I have a 10g nano. I did mine with 10lbs live sand, live rock, a heater, a nano koralia powerhead, and a hob filter. you can mod the aquaclear filters to be a refugium and filter in one. I recommend that you put cheato in it to help with nitrates. And that is all I did, and its been running a long time. Ofcourse, you need ro/di water, salt mix, test kits, etc. I saw where you mentioned a in the tank filter, I would stay away from this. By the time you put in the sand and rock, you dont even have 10g of water in there. Do frequent water changes, like a gallon a week or 2g every two weeks. The light I got was the 2bulb nova extreme 24in, its a little big, but fits with the legs, you can get it cheap, and I have a green brain, rics, zoas, and leathers in this tank. Hope this helps. :)


Active Member
I am not sure what it costs at the stores, I have my own unit, which you can buy for around 130. But when I first started out years ago, I used distilled water. I would get the walmart brand, it is distilled by reverse osmosis, or it was lol. Since this is a 10g, you could buy several gallons to keep for water changes. There is nothing wrong with distilled, but ro/di is better. A lot of people on here buy it in stores, so they may chime in.


Active Member
Hahahahah. Oh yeah, and a turkey baster lol how could I forget that.
and add an algae scraper to clean the glass.


Well-Known Member
yep yep magfloat! Dont get a cheaper sinker! Trust me! They sink and are a pita to get back with the magnet! MAGFLOAT!
Welcome to nano tanks!
Looks like you are getting a pretty good start. They make a small CFL fixture for small tanks like that on the internet that do very well with nano reefs. I'm in the process of setting up my little 20g with a 10g sump as well. I'm gona be getting that little fixture for my small refugium soon.


New Member
just one question say i went with a 5.5 gal could i put any fish in it like 1 fish but anything besides a goby just wondering


New Member
well im going with the 10 gallon and i have it out and cleaned up the filters powerheads and everything is on the tank just needs sand rock and water now


Prizm skimmer
Coralife mini light (10K and Actinic 03)
Live rock is biological filter
“Everything else” is for a theme, high flow, high output lighting.
Water is RO or distilled, Reef Crystals salt, Coralline Gro, Magnesium, Phosban (removes phosphates), Nitrate remover (instant ocean) out in nylon bag with Phosban (nitrate becomes nitrogen gas)
UV, Natural wave maker, spray bars, light timers (Coral life), changed lights to T8 20000K and Actinic 03, favoring blue)
One snail, one hemit crab, one fish (picasso trigger) yea it bites the live rock
Mushroom corals are easy, no flow, low level lights, they adust to everything but bad water quality and direct flow


Active Member
when nano-web was asking about the equipment it wasn't your equipment, prh123!!!! he was asking about catfish corey's equipment!
catfish corey- it sounds like your on the way to a good start of a nano tank!