110G new set-up.... how much fish is too much?


well my tank is 5 months old
has about 75 lbs live rock, over 200lbs of sand with areas of 3" to 6" of sand
and a rapids pro filter and skimmer (i know its not the best but it will do for now)
my fish list is as follows:
2 blue yellow tail damsels
1 domino damsel
1 firefish
1 lawnmower blenny
4 false percs
15 turbo snails
30 zebra crabs and blue hermits
in the 4months i have had the tank i lost 1 yellow watchman dont know what happened to him he was fine and eating then he went into hiding for a whole 3 weeks then i saw him for 5 minutes and havent seen him in 3 mnonths lol
my question is how many more fish can i add i am thinking of getting one more(blue hippo tang) before i start to do corals and anemones


Originally Posted by Elite
well my tank is 5 months old
has about 75 lbs live rock, over 200lbs of sand with areas of 3" to 6" of sand
and a rapids pro filter and skimmer (i know its not the best but it will do for now)
my fish list is as follows:
2 blue yellow tail damsels
1 domino damsel
1 firefish
1 lawnmower blenny
4 false percs
15 turbo snails
30 zebra crabs and blue hermits
in the 4months i have had the tank i lost 1 yellow watchman dont know what happened to him he was fine and eating then he went into hiding for a whole 3 weeks then i saw him for 5 minutes and havent seen him in 3 mnonths lol
my question is how many more fish can i add i am thinking of getting one more(blue hippo tang) before i start to do corals and anemones

I think you will be fine as far as bioload goes, but could be some territory issues...particularly with those damsels. Could be wrong here, but I don't think it is recomended to mix anemones with corals, on account of their tendency to roam.


well the domino damsel owns one rock lol and the 2 yellow tails own the center ---- of the tank
the domino hates the yellow tails
and one of my falce perc hates the domino but they all so far no where they belong and sometimes when the domino goes after a yellowtail the clown goes after the domino its like they have teams lol
and yes i have alot more research do do on corals and anemones
but thanks to you guys here on SWF.com i know where to find any info i need
its my 1st time doing a aquarium let alone a saltwater setup but everything is ok thanks to lots of nights lurking and reading on this site...


Originally Posted by Elite
well the domino damsel owns one rock lol and the 2 yellow tails own the center ---- of the tank
Here lies the problem I foresee...hippo's are swimmers and are not stationary as clowns and damsels tend to be. Might be fine though...I only had a hippo for about a week then gave it to a friend.
The damsels will probably cause you much more trouble in the end than you ever imagined.
The hermits probably worried the poor yellow watchman to death.
As far as a blue hippo tang...if you get one please follow QT procedures. It will save you many headaches down the road.


Active Member
You could go with a Scopus Tang or a Pygmy Angel. If you are plannig on a reef, then stay with reef safe angels. I would upgrade the filtration thought.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Well nice set up so far. What lights do you have?
The Damsels are great active fish. But they get very territorial. To have a stress free peaceful Coral tank with fish Id get rid of them..
You can start out with some cheaper corals like zoa's and mushrooms. Xenia is pretty neat and easy to take care of. Anenomes due tend to roam if they are not happy. If they find a good place they are happy you should have too many issues.
Is your tank long and narrow or short and deep?
Id personally add about 40 more pounds of Live rock to your tank. Make 100% its already cured or it could cause an ammonia spike and kill everything.
With your mechanical filtration set up Id say 3 maybe 4 larger fish at most if you get rid of all the damsels and do water changes weekly or every week and a half. Good luck with that catching the damels that is. Your bio load is not bad at all for the 110.
where the heck are the pics?


you're nowhere near your bioload limit for that tank. heck, you wouldnt even be pushing it for a 75G.
get rid of the damsels, and then you really only have 6 small fish. just get rid of them, trust everyone here. you may like them now, but you're going to add a really cool, really expensive fish at some point that's going to get harrassed to death by that 4 dollar fish and you're going to hate yourself for not taking them out sooner.
ide recommend getting 2 dwarf angels (perfectly fine as long as you add them at the same time and dont get 2 of the same species/similar colors). ide also get maybe a small school of flasher wrasses or a few fairy wrasse (velvets, solaris, ect). dont add them all at once though, and get the angels last, just in case.
and personally, ide get more than even that, but i probably overstock. ive never had any problems though, so im not sure what "overstocking" really refers to. as long as you have enough filtration to keep the amonia at zero and enough circulation and whatnot to oxegenate the water properly, then you should be fine.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I'd get a handful of blenny's. They are full of character. Few gobies to give life at the bottom of the tank. School of tangs. The small fish dont have a huge bioload.


thanks for all the replyes guys
i have since catched and returned the 2 blueyellow tails damsels i had
and guess what it was TOOO EASYYY
all i did was i waited until the lights came on, now my damsels dont come out of their wholes for about 10 minutes after the lights go on so as soon as the lights came on i just moved their rock and they were still in shock/sleeping and i just scooped them up ever so gently lol i coudlnt believe it!
im am how ever going to keep the domino damsel he seems very peacefull and doesnt bother any of the other fish even when they are in his personal space
im going to try and get another yellow watchman and some blenny in the near future and thats going to be it for fish, then i will concentrate on lighting and corals


Originally Posted by makoshrk2
IMO damsels are the worst thing that happened to this hobby.
In the right place they are a great fish. I put a domino in with a puffer and trigger, and it is a great little fish. They are cheap, active, and colorful. Just have to keep in mind what they are. I think they get a bad wrap, because of the LFS passing them off as a typical beginner fish...this is fine if you know what you are getting into (most don't), and they can strongly limit what you might add as mates. So salesmen happened to the hobby...not damsels
Domino's are the devil!! They should therefore be kept with other devils and everybody in Hell will be happy! LOL!

They are cool looking when they are small, and their super cheap too!
Elite: I would definately try and get a Regal Tang or a "center piece" fish for your tank. Just do a 3 week min. qurantee to make sure it does not bring in any marine ICK into you display tank. A naso tang is beautiful also, and more hardy IMO. A flame angel or lemon peel would be cool for a pygmy angel! Good luck with your 110!


Originally Posted by makoshrk2
IMO damsels are the worst thing that happened to this hobby.
Well that's not true! I lobe my two damsels! They have such spunky attitudes and really are beautiful fish. I have a blue damsel and a yellow tail and I don't mind them one bit!

crypt keeper

Active Member
flame angels can be coral friendly but you need to watch them. Id get a reef friendly trigger that is huge but friendly. There are a couple of them.


i dont want big fish at all i think it makes the tank look unatural if i have tones of smaller fish and then one huge fish just swimming around
any suggestions? any small angel fish that are reef safe ? pics maybe?

crypt keeper

Active Member
I would do either two pygmy angels. I have heard if you buy them at the sametime and introduce them together they work. If not I would do a flame angel and a pygmy together. The flame angel is one the most colorful fish out there. They stay small. Only 6 inches full grown. If you choose the pygmy's or flame and pygmy make sure your other fish are established and everybody is happy. The angels are great community tank fish and are not aggressive


Your right damsels are good in a tank with puffers, triggers, and groupers. Any tank where the other fish will eat them.LOL