120 gal tank help sqidd/ lion crazz / anyone!!!!!!!!

never mind the last two questions i did more reading and found the answer
opinions on my list are still welcomed
thanks saltnoob yet again


This is becoming quite the informational little thread! Keep asking questions/answering his questions. I'm learning quite a bit about how I want to set up my bigger tank this summer.
happy new years every one (two days later lol (1/02))
Its been quite a while since my last post
got caught up in that whole new years party up in Las Vegas

well i have revised my list several times hope this is the right one :jumping:
Live sand

Live Rock

Oceanic Salt

200 gal

Coralife Super Skimmer 220

40 gal

Jäger Temperature Sensor Automatic Heaters 200 watt’s


Tunze Pump 7400- also considerign the maxi jet 900-mod and kit (opinions-is ti loud is it better than the tunze i have in mind, i know it cheaper)
Return pumps ----Sequence Reeflo Water Pumps Tarpon - Flow: 1440 GPH
Overflow box----cpr cs102 flow of 1200
Test kits

Salifert or API saltwater test kit
Kent maxima hi-s 65gpd---with tds meter and float valve


ill start softies, and graduate to LPS and finally SPS, 6+ months into the tank
post any recommendations- comments since i will be buying my equip this week :cheer: :cheer:
thank you all for the help



Active Member
i would up your LR to 200 lbs, easily. you an save money by buying 50% base rock or dead rock for the LR to sit on and seed.
what T-5 set up are you going with? i think you said you have a 5' tank, there are some awesome T-5 hoods that fit the 5' T-5s. make sure they are individually reflected whatever you do.
you will likely need more than one PH even if its a powerful one, because you want to hit as many areas as you can , to avoid stagnant situations.
and i asked you once but i dont think you answered, why do you want 2 heaters? one is usually more than enough, mine doesnt ever click on save for 3 days of the year. i guess it depends where you live, but if the heater is rated for your size tank, you dont really need two, IMO.
saltn00b said:
i would up your LR to 200 lbs, easily. you an save money by buying 50% base rock or dead rock for the LR to sit on and seed. Surely will do
Originally Posted by saltn00b
what T-5 set up are you going with? i think you said you have a 5' tank, there are some awesome T-5 hoods that fit the 5' T-5s. make sure they are individually reflected whatever you do.
I dont have plans for the T-5's it will be a year before ill look into t-5's just have it here to remember my self about them, but the info you provided about them will help me in the future

Originally Posted by saltn00b
you will likely need more than one PH even if its a powerful one, because you want to hit as many areas as you can , to avoid stagnant situations.
Do you think i should go with two maxi jet 900's with mod and kit, since two of the tunzes would ad up to $600+

Originally Posted by saltn00b

and i asked you once but i dont think you answered,sorry must have missed the ?
why do you want 2 heaters? one is usually more than enough, mine doesnt ever click on save for 3 days of the year. i guess it depends where you live, but if the heater is rated for your size tank, you dont really need two,IMO.
I am thinking in two because ive read that its better to play it safe and have two just incase one fails there is a backup there that will pick up for the other one
so if one 200 is enough then ill get 2-150's or 2-100's what is your opinion or should i just have 2-200's one in and the other one unplugged and in the outside of the sump/fuge just in case



Active Member
i guess that makes sense about having a back up, but if you have back up heater, why not a back up skimmer, or back up tank? lol
i have had personal experience with a heater gone bad, and usually they just dont just stop working, they go hay -wire. mine (a brand new one) decided to ignore the temp cap, and cooked my QT tank, killing 75 bucks worth of fish. its also the first culprit for stray wattage in a tank, that could be stressing out the fish to the point of HLLE or ich outbreaks and worse.
IMO, 2 heaters doubles these chances as they are usually the cheapest and worst made equipment in the industry. between powerheads and submerged pumps, and lights, most tanks, especially reef tanks, often run into heat problems (especially if using MH) and need to employ chillers.
i have never seen a tunze in person nor the maxijet kits. the tunze have a proven 5 star track record and the MJ kits are a newcomer to the hobby. people so far seem to be swearing by them, but i cant personally advise you in either direction.

Originally Posted by saltn00b
i guess that makes sense about having a back up, but if you have back up heater, why not a back up skimmer, or back up tank? lol
lol to that

so does the list look good to go
Live sand

Live Rock

Oceanic Salt

200 gal

Coralife Super Skimmer 220

40 gal

2 Jäger Temperature Sensor Automatic Heaters 100 watt’s


Tunze Pump 7400 (maybe two)
Return pumps

Sequence Reeflo Water Pumps Tarpon - Flow: 1440 GPH
Overflow box

cpr cs102 flow of 1200
Test kits

Salifert or API saltwater test kit
Kent maxima hi-s 65gpd---with tds meter and float valve

Return pumps
Sequence Reeflo Water Pumps Tarpon - Flow: 1440 GPH
(for got to ask
do the pums (whatever brand) come with a valve to regulate the flow or is it bought separately)


Active Member
120 lbs of sand sounds like a lot - were you goin for DSB? or some of that for your fuge? you building the fuge yourself?

Originally Posted by saltn00b
120 lbs of sand sounds like a lot - were you goin for DSB? or some of that for your fuge? you building the fuge yourself?

some one told me for a 2" bed i needed like around 90lbs

Originally Posted by cj7eagle
for what its worth i punched in your tank dimensions, and came up with 87.5 lbs of sand.
then another one said

Originally Posted by volitan_fa

On the live sand, 90 lbs may not be enough. You've gotta remember that live sand is going to weigh more per cubic foot than most other kinds of sand. You'll need to figure ABOUT 70-90 lbs/square ft. So figuring your dimensions with sand that weighs 90 lbs/square ft you're looking at about 112.5 lbs of live sand.
since i tried punching in the numbers in the sites calculator and did not work i cant tell which is right

can you check if yours work or which sounds better


Active Member
just buy 2 40lbs bags of LS and then that will be the bulk of the sand you will need for the DT.if you need more, you can just get more. not sure how much you will need for the Fuge DSB tho


Ok, it really depends on what kind of sand you get. See if the kind you want says on the bag how dense it is...ie how many lbs per cubic foot. That's what it's based on.
My calculation was figured on sand weighing 90 lbs/cubic ft, the guy who said you needed 90 lbs figured it on the default, which I believe is 75 lbs/cubic ft.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
just buy 2 40lbs bags of LS and then that will be the bulk of the sand you will need for the DT.if you need more, you can just get more. not sure how much you will need for the Fuge DSB tho

Ya know what, he's right. Just get about what you think and if you need more, get more :D.
ok i have almost everithing down
now for another question
what type of lights do i have to put under my sump/fuge? if i want to keep shaving brush, cheato, and blades?
from what i have read some use mh's, regular light bulb from hardware store, etc. is the regular bulb enough
sump is going to be a 30x12x18 or 36x12x18
also if i put an inch of mud under in the sump/fuge then 4'' of sand over it will i have to change the mud?
if so how often?
or do i have to put a clean up crew in the sump/fuge?
ive read you have to change the mud if you have only mud in dont know about having to change it if you have sand over it


Active Member
sounds to me like everyone is giving you some very good advice so far. The only thing is that they are spending your money and not yours. I am sure they all mean well but some of that stuff is way overpriced. you can get 2 maxijet 1200's with the mods for $80 and you are looking at like $600 for the tunze withthe contoller...IMO- that's nuts. mad drive pumps are excellent pumps and cpr overflows are awesome as well.
Its your tank and your money, but I believe I would start doing some serious searching on my own as far as prices and such go. Looks like about 10000-12000 in equipment there with no fish. ---I set up a 180 for less than $2500 and it is great.


Active Member
just wanted to add that I wasn't bashing anyones opinions or advice..Just adding my thoughts, didn't mean to offend anyone :joy:

Originally Posted by joncat24
you can get 2 maxijet 1200's with the mods for $80 and you are looking at like $600 for the tunze withthe contoller...IMO- that's nuts. mad drive pumps are excellent pumps and cpr overflows are awesome as well.

Yes i was looking into the maxi-jets
i was going to buy a maxi-jet for my QT and one for my DT plus the Tunze pump.
I have already checked the price on each they are a bit pricey, but i don't know of any other equipment that is efficient and energy efficient also
i don'd even know if they are energy efficient
i just go by what perks the product has written next to it and so far i have only seen energy efficiency and low noise on the sequence, any recommendations you have are welcome

Originally Posted by antologia2007
ok i have almost everithing down
now for another question
what type of lights do i have to put under my sump/fuge? if i want to keep shaving brush, cheato, and blades?
from what i have read some use mh's, regular light bulb from hardware store, etc. is the regular bulb enough
sump is going to be a 30x12x18 or 36x12x18
also if i put an inch of mud under in the sump/fuge then 4'' of sand over it will i have to change the mud?
if so how often?
or do i have to put a clean up crew in the sump/fuge?
ive read you have to change the mud if you have only mud in dont know about having to change it if you have sand over it

I guess no one knows this answer

its been a while
i hadn't had time to come to my brothers place to use his com to post lol
So i got some things done
id did a DIY semp/ref
