125 Gallon 5 month birthday


I thought I would post some pics today to show the progress of my tank. I didn't have a lot of time to take pics so I'll post a few now and hopefully follow up later with some more.
Here is my thread from last month to compare.
4 Month Old
I do have some bad news to report, I cleaned my tank last Thursday and was distracted by something so I left my eggcrate off of the center of my tank. I put it back about an hour later, but being at night I really couldn't so a fish role call. Friday I found my favorite fish behind the tank, my Lineatus Wrasse. It sucks when you lose such a nice fish do to ignorance.
Here we go...
Full Tank Shot.


I thought this was a pretty cool pic too, it's my niger trigger sharing sushi wrap with my sailfin tang, you don't see that every day.
Hold on it's not letting me post it.


Great tank...very impressed. Can't wait to see it as it continues to mature, so please keep posing pics!
ps - particularly like your natural looking rockwork..lots of ledges for corals, overhangs for fish, and it looks really natural to me.


Thanks guys, I always love seeing progress pics of everyones tanks so I try to contribute, I always look for criticism also if anyone has some suggestions.
The rockwork was definitely one of the toughest parts of the tank, I hand picked each piece over time from about 6 different LFS.
Here's that pic I tried to post earlier but couldn't


very nice...i like the diversity in coral and fish! You have probably the nicest tank I have ever seen!!! And at only 5 months old...that is unbelievable!!! I hope mine is that nice at 5 months, Im at one month but no corals yet. Soon...very soon!!