125 Gallon 5 month birthday


Awsome tank...AGAIN :)
I sent you an email about the stores.
Also, maybe you can post some picks of your setup below the tank.


Thanks guys,
I feed the fish 2 cubes of frozen mysis, about 5 or 6 krill shrimp almost every day and I put nori in the tank about twice a week.
I think my favorite coral in my tank is actually my yellow leather, it's gorgeous when you seen it in person.


Just curious about your PhD endevours?? I'm a Notre Dame working on my Mechanical Engineering PhD and have three years left also! Great times --- well, most of the time anyway.
Could you itemize your filtration system including components, sizes or ratings, such as for refugium-return pump-protein skimmer-etc.



Originally posted by GregM779
A Tooth Coral in the shape of a heart, kind of different, maybe I'll give it to my girlfriend on valentines day.

I wish my wife would take gifts like that for Valentines Day...
They even call good reefkeeping practice "Husbandry"
Hey ladies... Cmon.
Every married man who keeps a reef tank wants a heart like that for Valentine's Day.. Right?


Let me try to do an equipment list
Skimmer-Kent Marine Nautilus Te
Return Pump-Mag 18
Powerheads-One SEIO 1100, One MaxiJet 1140
Sump-Sealife Systems Wet/Dry Model 200
UV Sterilizer-Aquanetics 25W, run 24/7 unless dosing DTs
Refugium-Seperate 10g, filled with miracle mud, caulerpa, and chaeto.
Light-Coralife Aqualight Pro http://www.hellolights.com/72aqualightpro.html
I'll try and take some pics tomorrow I don't have my camera tonight someone borrowed it.
Hey vinsaltank, think how much longer that will last under good care rather than roses that just wilt away.


I'm sorry. I just took some pics, don't mind the dirtyness the tank is clean and I'm cleaning the equipment this weekend.
I'm going to an updated thread next week since the tank will be 8 months old in the 23rd, a lot has changed.



I also have a 25watt UV sterilizer behind the tank where you can't see it. I may also be removing my bioballs soon and replace them with LR.


What do you have in your fuge and what type of lighting?
How long do you keep your lights on?
I just made a sump/fuge out of a 55g and I am looking to see what stuff I need in it.


It looks good, it's going to be a tight fit though. Will your skimmer go in the middle or right compartment?? Also where is your return pump going to go? If you put it in your refugium how will you keep the substrate out of the display?
In my refugium I used half miracle mud and half kent's marine refugium sediment. The macro in there is caulerpa and chaeto. The caulerpa grows insanely fast, which is great. The light is a retrofit 34w ballast with a 6700k/10000k bulb. I run it 24/7 to prevent PH swings and also to prevent the caulerpa from going sexual. I also have some large porous rocks in the back for pods.


Protein Skimmer will go in the right side, that is 12 inches.
On the left side will be the refuge, and that is 24 inches.
The middle I had drilled and my pump is external and located in the garage near my chiller.
Does that make more sense?


So the return is from the middle, how does the water move in and out of the refugium? You need to get some flow in there so you would probably want to put a small powerhead in there but yes it makes more sense now.


The flow will come from the return line of the tank.
Since I have two return lines I will have one dropping into the Refuge. The amount will be controlled with a ball valve. That line will continue to the othe return line where I will T them together. This line will then fall in the Right side of the Sump.


That makes more sense. I would still think about a small powerhead in there like a rio 50 or equivalent, but I guess you can always add that if needed after it's set up.
If your planning on coming up to West Palm Beach any time let me know and your more than welcome to come check out the tank.